Category: Relationships & Personal Growth

Relationships & Personal Growth

8 unique habits of a low-quality woman, according to psychology.

I’ve spent years studying psychology, self-improvement, and mindfulness—driven, in part, by my background as a competitive athlete. I’ve learned that what truly shapes us are often the small, consistent habits we embrace (or avoid).

Below, I’d like to share eight habits that can hold a woman back and diminish her overall quality of life. While …

Relationships & Personal Growth

7 unique behaviors of people who have the rare combination of being kind but strong

There is a unique breed of individuals who possess a rare combination of strength and kindness.

Nobody ever said being strong meant you couldn’t be kind. But, straddling the line between these two can be quite the balancing act.

These exceptional folks, they’re not your everyday leaders nor your run-of-the-mill good Samaritans. They’re a special …

InfluencerRelationships & Personal Growth

10 unique personality traits of the internet’s most popular influencers, according to psychology

Ever wondered what makes the internet’s top influencers so magnetic? It’s not just their content or their consistency—it’s who they are. Behind every viral post and loyal following is a set of personality traits that psychology tells us are key to their success.

These traits aren’t about being fake or trying too hard. They’re about …

Relationships & Personal Growth

If you use these 8 phrases regularly, you’re more emotionally intelligent than you realize

You don’t have to be a therapist or a mind reader to understand people on a deeper level. Sometimes, it’s as simple as the words you choose.

The way we speak—especially in emotional moments—says a lot about how well we understand ourselves and those around us.

And while emotional intelligence can seem like an abstract …

Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

8 behaviors of people who have been in survival mode for so long they’ve forgotten how to feel safe

I remember a day a few years ago when I caught myself feeling anxious about something as trivial as driving to a friend’s house for a weekend gathering. It wasn’t about the traffic or even the possibility of getting lost; I just couldn’t shake the feeling of being on edge.

Later, I realized this constant …

Relationships & Personal Growth

People who fear being rejected by their friends often display these 7 behaviors without realizing it

Nobody likes feeling left out or unwanted.

But for some of us, the fear of being rejected by our friends runs deeper than we realize. It’s not always obvious, either—this fear can sneak into our behavior in ways we don’t even notice.

The tricky part is that these habits often come from a good place—we …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

7 lessons from “How To Win Friends And Influence People” that have made me a classier and more refined communicator

I remember the first time I picked up Dale Carnegie’s classic. I was fresh out of a particularly unproductive argument with someone I cared about, and I felt awful. How to Win Friends and Influence People was exactly the lifeline I needed. 

Over the years, I’ve revisited it time and again, and each read offers …

Relationships & Personal Growth

10 phrases that instantly shut down a difficult person, according to psychology

Navigating difficult conversations can be a bit like playing minesweeper.

One wrong phrase and things can blow up in your face. But, wouldn’t it be great if you had some kind of psychological secret weapon to diffuse tricky situations?

Well, that’s where some savvy psychology comes into play. Think of it as your personal toolkit …