Category: Project Management

Communication & NetworkingFuturesInterviewNetworkingPodcastsPositioningProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Believe in yourself and your brand

Your brand is the total combined sum of your personality, appearance, competencies, all held together by one or more differentiating qualities. In order to communicate your brand message to your audience, you need to believe in yourself and the brand you’ve established. You need to be confident that you have discovered the correct career path, …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Managers put up walls for you to break through

One tactic I find commonly used in the workplace by the most experienced managers is to set up scenarios where their subordinates are tested.  Managers who have high confidence in certain individuals, or are who are wondering what workload they can handle will use this tactic, especially if pressure has been applied to them from …

Communication & NetworkingFuturesNetworkingProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Guest Speaker: Lou Longo on Public Speaking

Lou Longo, a member of my network, shares his thoughts on public speaking. As you know, public speaking is a time, where you interact directly with your audience and where they judge you based on appearance, competency, personality and differentiation. Lou understands this and shares his thoughts:


Have you ever listened to a speaker …

Project Management

Success is in Process

Improving the process of your job will compliment the success of your business. Have you ever been frustrated from countless engagements with management in order to get something approved? If you answered “yes”, then you understand that there must be a more efficient process and selection criteria for accomplishing ones job. The Six Sigma practice …