Personal Branding Weekly: Online and Offline Word of Mouth
As editor, of the Personal Branding Blog, I’m grateful and proud of the caliber of authors we having sharing a wealth of insights. Yet, I know how fast-paced this blog can be with new content posting daily and often several times a day.
You may have missed these great posts:
• Are …
3 Reasons Why Networking Leads To Easier Interviews
Networking makes the interview process easier.
No employer will admit this or agree with this publicly because every employer wants you to think its hiring and HR practices are uniform for all applicants and employees. Based on my own experience and some “off-the-record” conversations with employers and hiring managers, that’s a load of garbage.
Without …
Know Your Network: 3 Personal Brand Musts To Share
From the time we enter college as an undergraduate to the time we retire, we’re taught the importance of building a solid professional network. We send friendly emails to the names printed on business cards we collect at area networking events, and we issue expertise and job updates to former and current co-workers and bosses …
Collaborative ideas Produce increased results
After many years of being in the competitive corporate sales environment, it took a long time to accept the idea of freely collaborating with others. In fact, I was very doubtful it would work. However, knowing risk and trying new ideas is at the core of entrepreneurship, it was in my best interest to consider …
Best Questions to Ask a Business Mentor
Entrepreneurs can learn so much from a reliable business mentor. Aspiring businesspersons will realize that a good mentoring relationship is similar to having a big brother in the industry. Experienced entrepreneurs know the ropes, have an excellent network of friends, and are able to overcome great challenges. There are numerous benefits of having a fully-engaged …
Social Networking Occurs Offline Too
There’s no question that social media has changed the way we all communicate. Be it Twitter or Facebook; Yammer or Reddit; LinkedIn or Pinterest. We are all using these tools on a daily basis to share information, learn something new, have a laugh, and most importantly, connect with others. As we use social media to …
Personal Branding for Training Professionals
How do you promote yourself and share your knowledge and expertise without giving too much away? How do you make your potential clients understand how to do what you do, without giving them all the knowledge they need to do it without you.
You don’t. Share everything. Share it all.
For some people, this is …
People Loyal to Your Brand
It’s easy to be seen as just another random person – a random blogger, a random doctor, a random athlete… With the competition becoming more and more fierce, it’s becoming harder and harder for people to stand out and be noticed. After all, you don’t want to be just a random personal brand. You want …
Why You Should Never Make a Cold Call Again
Cold calls rarely work. And, when they do, it is a game of numbers, of getting enough (hundreds?) of resumes or leads out there, hoping that one will stick.
Warm calls, on the other hand, are far more likely to result in success: a client or a new job.
And, today, there is no reason …
Three Secrets To Promoting Your Next Conference Talk
Speaking at a conference can sometimes be a hit or miss affair. You agonize over your slides and practice your talk, only to find that out of the 300 attendees, 10 of them are in your session. Hardly seems worth the effort. But other times, you find that you get more than half the people …