Category: Networking

Brand Yourself AsNetworking

Personal Branding Weekly and Managing Personal Word of Mouth Networking

Personal Branding Weekly

Editor’s Note:  The Young Entrepreneur’s Council and Glassdoor shared some great articles focused on our career interactions. Loyalty, friendships, strategy and even how to follow-up without being annoying encompassed some of the most popular posts of the week.

6 Ways to “Riff” Daily by Deborah Shane Start Your Brand Now; Iterate Later…
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Lifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Meet People in a Room Full of Strangers

What do you do when you find yourself in a room full of strangers and don’t know anyone? Maybe you’re attending your first networking event. Maybe your spouse brought you to their office Christmas party. Maybe you’re attending your first ever industry convention and are at the networking party. Whatever the reason, people often have …

Brand Yourself AsEmployer BrandingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Use Your Personal Brand to Overcome Horrible Bosses

I recently watched the movie “Horrible Bosses,” a comedy about three friends that inadvertently stumble upon the idea to…well, kill their bosses. While the premise hopefully isn’t realistic for you, I was intrigued by one scene that I believe shows how important personal branding is.

In the beginning of the movie, Jason Bateman’s character Nick …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Know Your Network: 3 Personal Brand Musts To Share

From the time we enter college as an undergraduate to the time we retire, we’re taught the importance of building a solid professional network. We send friendly emails to the names printed on business cards we collect at area networking events, and we issue expertise and job updates to former and current co-workers and bosses …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Best Questions to Ask a Business Mentor

Entrepreneurs can learn so much from a reliable business mentor. Aspiring businesspersons will realize that a good mentoring relationship is similar to having a big brother in the industry. Experienced entrepreneurs know the ropes, have an excellent network of friends, and are able to overcome great challenges. There are numerous benefits of having a fully-engaged …