How to Complete a SWOT Analysis on Yourself
Instead of basing a SWOT analysis around a product or competitor, let’s focus it directly on you as an individual. Focus on maximizing your strengths, reducing your weaknesses, identifying opportunities and stabilizing threats. You may do an exercise, where you brainstorm and write down each of these areas, as they pertain to your current situation. …

9 Easy Ways for College Students to Start Networking
Are you a student trying to get familiar with the ways to network in college? Want to get your foot in the networking door? It’s the right time!
According to Yahoo News, about 85% of jobs today are filled with networking. What’s more, employment opportunities provided through networking have better quality and pay scale.
Social …

3 Ways To Improve Your Business’s Networking Game
Whether you’re connecting with investors, stakeholders, industry peers, or colleagues, networking is a critical part of building a business. It boosts your contacts, widens your circles, keeps your reputation sharp, and bolsters brand awareness.
At its core, networking is relationship-building. It can be one of the most fun, rewarding, and exhausting aspects of corporate life. …

E-Meet Your New Clients
Before you e-meet a new client or coworker, there are four things you should do.
This goes for Zoomers as well! The majority of today’s meetings and networking opportunities take place online. Even …

Attracting Wealthier Clients
Was it ever brought to your attention that one of the world’s wealthiest and attractive entrepreneurs continues to reside in the same $31,500 grey stucco house he acquired …

Digital Brand=You
Personal branding was alive and well 30 years ago. You created your brand with a handshake and in-person presentation. Your brand has evolved over time to be online. You are now digital.
LinkedIn’s 2003 …

Become a Successful Realtor: First-Year Tips
Realtors are a special breed of people. They work long hours, get paid on commission, and often need to be outgoing and personable…whether they “feel like it” or not.
However, don’t let these realities scare you away from joining the real estate industry. There’s unlimited opportunity in the real estate market for those who want …

4 Strategies for Acing a Remote Work Interview Without Stressing About It
Have you always wanted to work remotely? Sharpen up your remote work interview skills because there are more remote opportunities today than ever before.
Several years ago, it was the employees who sought out companies with flexible work arrangements, including working from home. Many employers were reluctant.
Today, out of necessity, employers now realize the …

How to Throw a Memorable Summer Corporate Networking Event
Corporate networking events aren’t typically known for being the most exciting parties in the world. They are oftentimes a bit drab, leaving many participants wondering why they bothered going. No one wants to spend all that money only to have it be a flop. Simply hanging out at the bar shooting the breeze with other …

Background Checks? These 7 Guidelines Can Help You Overcome Anxiety
Right now, failing background checks is a major concern for many. Last year’s pandemic has so many people out looking for work, many with lingering financial issues.
Let’s face it…2020 was a year of tumult, boredom, and hysteria. It was a time of great uncertainty. Millions went through layoffs or applied for unemployment benefits. Others …