Category: Lifestyle & Habit Building

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit Building

Maintain Balance for Positive Results

Work life balance is the typical thought heard, but this just refers to the hours put in. Examining business further brings about many areas in which balance may take place.

Some of the differing areas to consider:

Cultural differences and experiences Technical versus creative ideas Senior versus junior generations

Teamwork within companies is vital to …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Ways to Use Holiday Season to Your Advantage

You can always develop your career if you really want and believe it or not holidays are perfect for it. During holiday season, it is easier to get in touch with people because you have a perfectly valid reason for it.  Therefore, it is up to you to use this excuse and advance your career. …

team branding
Lifestyle & Habit Building

Avoid Ruining Your Personal Image

When you feel disappointed, you feel let down because your expectations failed to be met. Little children at times express their reactions to disappointment by crying; adults deal with disappointment more maturely—through logic. Regardless of your age, though, disappointment evokes strong emotions.

Those in job transition have a heightened sense of awareness of such emotional …

What the News Can Teach Us All
Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingReputation Management

What the News Can Teach Us All

Free business mentorship is available in traditional print and online. From an unbiased perspective, take this challenge:

Read the articles of attention grabbing headlines as a police detective might do. Scour for motive, values and principles behind each piece revealed, and all the people potentially involved. Once you have thoroughly been informed by the article, …