Build Your Digital Relationships Before You Need Them
The old rules of professional networking translate to the online world as well. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “build your network before you need it.” Every single job search success story that I’ve heard stems from someone already having a network, tapping into that network, and then securing referrals and interviews from it. In …
What Can Your Brand Get Away With?
When I was in college I was always told about making sure to have a great 1-page resume. At first I found it to be too constraining, but after reviewing with my career counselor I found that I could get what I wanted to say down to a one pager. Now that I’ve extended my …
Personal Branding Interview: Kerry Hannon
Today, I spoke to Kerry Hannon, who is a nationally acclaimed personal finance contributing editor and retirement correspondent for U.S. News & World Report. Her latest book is called WHAT’S NEXT? Follow Your Passion and Find Your Dream Job. In this interview, Kerry talks about how to find your dream job, what stops someone from …
3 Myths About Google Profiles and 2 Reasons to Have One Anyway
Your Google Profile is a very important part of your online identity.
[Disclaimer: is a Personal Branding Blog sponsor]
USA Today published a survey last week from The Creative Group about evaluating candidates for marketing and advertising jobs. In it, 72% of respondents said they would conduct a web search using the candidate’s name …
Personal Branding Interview: Julie Jansen
Today, I spoke to Julie Jansen, who is a speaker, author, facilitator, trainer, coach, and business consultant to Fortune 500, privately held companies and nonprofits. Her books include I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This (2nd edition), and You Want Me To Work With Who?, both published by Penguin. In …
Personal Branding Interview: Paula Caligiuri
Today, I spoke to Paula Caligiuri, whois the author of Get a Job, Not a Life: Do What You Love and Let Your Talents Work for You, and a Professor in the Human Resource Management Department at Rutgers University where she has directed the Center for HR Strategy since 2001. In this interview, Paula discusses …
Acing The Interview
No single job hunting skill outranks knowing how to interview successfully. When pilots fly, they step through a rigorous preparation checklist before each take off. Apply the same procedure in landing a job. The choice between a job interview being a picture-perfect three-point touch-down and a gruesome crash-and-burn is totally up to you.
Use Your …
You Can’t Get Anywhere Unless You Start
On the Web recently, I ran across the reminiscence of a senior citizen about his first job as a shelf stocker at a supermarket. “They told me I would get two weeks paid vacation,” he recalls. “I couldn’t wait to find out where they were going to send me. I wasn’t the brightest crayon in …
Personal Branding Interview: Ryan Healy
Today, I spoke to Ryan Healy, who is the COO and Co-Founder of Brazen Careerist (A site that I partner with). Ryan, along with co-founders Penelope Trunk and Ryan Paugh, just launched their newest feature, Social Resumes. I filled mine out today, and I have to say that it’s a very interesting concept. Their Social …
Personal Branding Interview: Heather Huhman
Today, I spoke to Heather Huhman, who is the founder & president of Come Recommended, a contributor to this blog, and author of #ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle. In this interview, Heather talks about the obstacle that most entry-level candidates face, what companies are looking for in candidates, some personal branding and …