Category: Interview

Book ReviewsBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewPodcastsPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Is It Possible To Brand Yourself By Accident?

I get a lot of books by authors looking to promote on my blog. Sometimes I receive press releases, or a PR person contacts me without being authentic. When an author contacts me directly, with a personalized message, then I take more interest, especially when they send me a copy of their book. I will …


Soft Skills are Necessary for Personal Branding in Any Work Environment

Gretchen Neels is the president of Neels & Company. Her company is the leading provider of soft skills training to professional services firms, covering all areas of business communications. Gretchen has over ten years of experience recruiting and retaining top talent at a number of prestigious professional services firms, including Bain & Company, Bank of …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryBrand Yourself AsInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Brand Yourself as a Movie Director: An Interview with Tom Clifford

This is part of my series of posts called “Brand Yourself As.” Today, I decided to interview Tom Clifford, who directs corporate videos. As you can see to stage right, there is a picture of Tom in his director’s uniform (notice the hat). If you have an angle or a unique personal brand, please email …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingDatingInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding and Dating Form a Relationship: Get Ready for Valentines Day!

Recently, I spoke with dating expert and extraordinaire, Joe Tracy, about how personal branding ties in with dating and relationships. The timing was perfect for this because Valentines day is right around the corner.  Joe has over a decade of experience in the online and offline publishing industry. In 2003, Tracy oversaw the launch of …