Category: Interview

Communication & NetworkingInterviewJob SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

3 Secrets To Looking More Likeable

It’s NOT “all about who you know.”  This overused, inaccurate cliché cheapens the importance of presenting yourself the right way and building genuine relationships.

Here’s the truth: It’s all about who likes you and who respects you.

There is a HUGE difference between knowing someone (or having someone “know” you) and having someone like you …

Brand Yourself AsInterviewJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

‘Barbara Walters’ Job Interview Questions – They’re Back!

In her heyday on TV, Barbara Walters nearly always ended an interview with some famous (or infamous!) personality by asking them some inane question like this: “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?” If the person being interviewed was prepared for the question, then his or her answer wouldn’t be …