Category: Brand Yourself As

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit Building

Career Advice from HBR: Zig, Zag, Zoom!

In this month’s Harvard Business Review, global search executive Claudio Fernandez Araoz listed nine winning qualities when it comes to evaluating a candidate’s leadership potential.

–       Flexibility

–       Empathy

–       Organizational awareness

–       Relationship management

–       Curiosity

–       Insight

–       Inspiration

–       Determination

–       Motivation

What’s even more interesting is that top-level recruiters are also …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

8 Ways To Brand Yourself As A SME

(even if you’re a Generalist)

As I discussed in earlier articles, branding yourself as a generalist doesn’t work in today’s search driven market of job shortages and mass competition.

Today’s employers don’t even hire generalists for jobs requiring a generalist. Employers hire subject matter expertise first, then choose the subject matter expert who also has …

Personal Branding Mistakes
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

4 Common Resume Personal Branding Mistakes

As we discussed in my 7/16/12 column, your resume brands you, whether you like it or not. Don’t let it become one of your personal branding mistakes .

As recent eye mapping study so clearly showed us, resume readers make a decision within the first 4 – 6 seconds if your resume bears further …

resume brands
Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Your Resume Brands You – Whether It’s Managed or Not

If you’re searching for a job, your resume brands you , like it or not.

I’ve talked to candidates who have refused to brand themselves – They felt branding was for products, not people.

While I can appreciate that candidates don’t like the idea of marketing themselves like a cheeseburger or insurance policy, you brand …

Brand Yourself AsCorporate BrandingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Brand Voice to Business Brand Voice

The importance of personal branding today cannot be stressed. It’s how you differentiate yourself from other people with the same talents and skills. It’s how you let the world hear your unique voice. It’s practically essential to any professional who hopes to survive in the current job and business market.

There comes a time, however, …