Author: Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.
Confidence & AppearanceDating

People who prioritize work over important relationships usually display these 7 behaviors

Balancing work and relationships is challenging for most people.

But for some, work consistently takes precedence, shaping behaviors that subtly push friends and family to the sidelines.

Often, these individuals may not even realize the impact of their actions, which can lead to unintended isolation and resentment.

I’ve seen it time and again, people choosing …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

If a man has a beautiful soul, he’ll usually display these 10 unique qualities

There’s a distinct difference between being physically attractive and possessing a beautiful soul.

The difference lies in the depth. A good-looking individual might catch your eye, but a man with a beautiful soul captures your heart, and his qualities go beyond the superficial.

Having a beautiful soul means embodying kindness, empathy, and understanding. And let …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

9 phrases that instantly make you sound classy and sophisticated

There’s a fine line between sounding pretentious and exhibiting sophistication.

This distinction lies in the language. Tossing around big, convoluted words won’t necessarily impress anyone. In fact, it might just make you sound pompous.

However, using well-chosen, elegant phrases can give off an air of sophistication and class. It’s not about trying to sound superior, …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

If someone displays these 10 subtle behaviors, they’re not a trustworthy person

There’s a thin line between being genuinely friendly and being fake. It all comes down to recognizing the signs.

Sometimes, you can’t help but feel that someone isn’t as trustworthy as they seem. That feeling usually isn’t baseless. Often, our instincts pick up on subtle behaviors that signal deceit.

Understanding these behaviors can help you …

Confidence & Appearance

8 scenarios in a relationship where you should definitely give your partner space

Ever feel like giving your partner space in a relationship sounds easy—until it actually happens?

Let’s face it: when emotions are high, and we’re deeply connected, stepping back can feel counterintuitive.

But the truth is that healthy relationships thrive not only on closeness but on the freedom to breathe and recharge.

Sometimes, the best way …

Confidence & AppearanceDating

7 everyday relationship behaviors that are actually quite toxic, according to psychologists

When it comes to relationships, we often think of toxic behaviors as extreme—think major betrayals or explosive arguments.

But the truth is, toxicity can creep into our everyday interactions in more subtle ways. In fact, we can become so accustomed to certain behaviors that we may not even realize they’re harmful.

From seemingly harmless comments …

Confidence & AppearanceDating

8 little known secrets to keeping romance alive in later life, according to a relationship expert

Keeping the spark alive in a relationship can feel challenging at any age, but as we get older, it often requires a bit more intention and creativity.

The good news?

Romance doesn’t have to fade—it can actually deepen with time.

While many couples think the excitement naturally dims with the years, relationship experts know that …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

8 ways to shut down a manipulator without saying a word, according to psychology

Manipulation and influence are two different ball games, and unfortunately, not everyone plays fair.

Manipulation tries to control you, often by exploiting your vulnerabilities. It’s a sneaky game where the manipulator hides their true intentions.

On the flip side, there are ways to counteract manipulation, without uttering a single word. Psychology has some powerful insights …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

People who age more slowly than their friends usually adopt these 8 daily habits

Have you ever noticed how some people just don’t seem to age? It’s like they’ve tapped into the fountain of youth while the rest of us watch on in awe.

Well, it’s not all down to luck or genetics. Often, these seemingly ageless individuals have adopted certain daily habits that help them stay spry.

In …