Author: Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

Man inadvertently ends his brother’s 18-year relationship by revealing his doubts over loudspeaker on his wedding day

It’s safe to say that most people have been in a situation where they’ve shared something they perhaps shouldn’t have. Whether it was a secret passed on in confidence or an embarrassing story from years ago, it’s a universal experience. But what happens when your oversharing leads to the end of someone else’s long-term relationship?…

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

10 signs someone is deeply attracted to you but trying to play it cool

Cracking the code of attraction can be tricky. Sometimes, people are drawn towards you like magnets, but they try to play it cool.

Decoding this behavior is like solving a puzzle filled with concealed emotions and unspoken words.

We’re talking about those folks who are deeply attracted to you, but don’t want to make it …


Woman faces backlash from husband after deciding to continue flight without him when he was too drunk to board

Traveling with a partner should ideally be a pleasant experience filled with shared experiences and memories. However, when one party decides to become severely intoxicated before a flight, it can lead to unexpected and unwelcome drama.

A woman recently took to Reddit to share her predicament, after she chose to continue on a long-distance flight …


Man sleeps naked on top of his covers in bid to teach his flatmate’s girlfriend a lesson about knocking, sparking fierce debate online

It’s common courtesy to knock before entering someone else’s room. It’s a simple act of respect for their privacy and personal space. However, what happens when this unwritten rule is repeatedly ignored?

A 21-year-old man on Reddit resorted to a rather unconventional method to teach his flatmate’s girlfriend about the importance of knocking. In his …

Confidence & AppearanceDating

7 phrases to use when your partner needs reassurance and validation, according to a relationship expert

Navigating the world of emotions and communication in a relationship is no easy feat. You often find yourself trying to reassure your partner, validate their feelings and make them feel loved.

But finding the right words can be a challenge.

That’s where I come in. As a relationship expert, I’ve spent years studying the best …


Woman questions if she’s wrong for rejecting her sister’s relationship with her ex, despite sister’s past battle with cancer

Family relationships can be complicated, full of both love and conflict. But when one’s sister starts dating an ex-boyfriend, the situation can become almost unbearable. This is especially true if, in the process, values like respect and loyalty are thrown out of the window.

A 25-year-old woman recently turned to Reddit to share her predicament …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

If you want to be more likable as you get older, say goodbye to these 9 subtle habits

Getting older brings wisdom, but sometimes, it also comes with habits that can make us less likable.

It’s a tricky balance – maintaining our individuality while also striving to be someone others enjoy being around.

The good news? These habits aren’t set in stone. You can choose to let them go and become more likable …