Author: Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal Growth

If you want to be unforgettable, master these 7 personal branding strategies

Being memorable is more than just having a catchy name or a flashy logo. It’s about creating a powerful personal brand.

Mastering personal branding is all about controlling how people perceive you. It’s about shaping your image in such a way that when people think of you, they think of certain qualities and values.

These …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Confident women who leave a lasting impression in less than a minute usually practice these 9 habits

Some women walk into a room, and without saying a word, you feel their presence.

It’s not about looks, status, or trying too hard—it’s something deeper. A kind of quiet power, an energy that turns heads and makes people listen when they speak.

What’s their secret? Confidence.

But not just any confidence—the kind that’s built …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Men who cheat in their 50s and beyond often display these 8 very subtle behaviors

There’s a fine line between intuition and paranoia, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

As a relationship expert, I’ve seen countless instances of men over 50 who stray from their commitments, often exhibiting subtle behaviors that go unnoticed.

We’re not talking about the blatant signs here, but the almost imperceptible quiet gestures …

Relationships & Personal Growth

I thought being agreeable made me a good person. Here’s how I realized it was hurting me

For the longest time, I thought being easygoing—always saying yes, avoiding conflict, making sure everyone liked me—was a good thing.

That it made me a good person.

But over time, I started to realize something: the more I bent over backward to please everyone, the further I drifted from myself.

I wasn’t being kind. I …

Relationships & Personal Growth

I’ve always wanted to maintain a close bond with my adult children, but as they grow older, it feels like we’re drifting apart. What can I do?

I hear you. And I know how hard that can feel.

You’ve spent so many years being deeply involved in your children’s lives, and now, as they step further into adulthood, it feels like they’re slipping away. You want to stay close, but you don’t want to overstep or make them feel smothered.

The good …

DatingRelationships & Personal Growth

If a man’s love is unconditional and deep, he’ll almost always exhibit these 7 behaviors

When it comes to love, there’s a stark difference between superficial affection and a love that’s deep and unconditional.

As the founder of the Love Connection blog, I’ve seen this contrast play out time and time again.

A man in deep, unconditional love will almost always exhibit certain behaviors – subtle and not-so-subtle signs that …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

8 phrases you should avoid using if you want your partner to respect and value you

Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. However, the words we use can either build bridges or burn them down.

As Tina Fey, the founder of Love Connection blog and a relationship expert, I’ve seen how certain phrases can erode respect and value in a relationship.

In this article, I’ll share with you 8 phrases …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Women who stay physically fit and energetic as they age often adopt these 8 life-enhancing habits

There’s a fascinating pattern among women who seem to defy the aging process.

They’re not just blessed with good genes – there’s something more. They’re the ones who are still brimming with vitality, physically fit and active, even as the years roll on.

These women often have some common habits that boost their energy levels …