Author: Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.
Relationships & Personal Growth

8 things classy people simply never share with others, says psychology

There’s a certain elegance in knowing when to speak and when to stay quiet. Classy people understand that some things are better left unsaid—not because they’re secretive, but because they value discretion and respect for others.

It’s not about being mysterious or withholding; it’s about recognizing boundaries and understanding that oversharing can sometimes do more …

Relationships & Personal Growth

7 traits of people who learned to rely on themselves too early in life, according to psychology

There’s a unique breed of individuals among us – those who learned to rely on themselves a touch too early in life.

Psychology has a term for it: premature self-reliance. It’s not about being a go-getter or fiercely independent. It’s about those who had no choice but to take charge, perhaps due to circumstances or …

Relationships & Personal Growth

7 types of family members that aren’t worth keeping in contact with, says a psychologist

If Aunt Susan constantly belittles your career choices or Cousin Joe never fails to bring up that embarrassing incident from ten years ago, you know they’re toxic.

That’s Family Dynamics 101—but it’s not always as black and white as that.

The human family tree can be just as complex and intricate as the human mind, …

Relationships & Personal Growth

I used to panic over every fine line and gray hair. Now I see them as proof that I’ve lived, loved, and survived

For years, every time I looked in the mirror, I would scrutinize every fine line, every new gray hair. I was consumed by a frenzy of anti-aging creams, hair dyes, even pondering plastic surgery.

The beauty industry had convinced me that aging was an enemy to be fought with everything I had.

My perspective began …

Relationships & Personal Growth

10 things classy people never reveal about themselves, according to psychology

There’s a certain allure to class. It’s not just about expensive clothes or fancy cars.

Class, at its core, is about discretion, poise, and an unspoken elegance. It’s written in the way one carries themselves, the words they choose, and, fascinatingly, in the secrets they keep.

Psychology suggests that classy people have a knack for …

Relationships & Personal Growth

10 behaviors of parents who raise difficult children, according to psychology

Parenting isn’t a walk in the park. There’s no one-size-fits-all manual on how to raise kids who are respectful, responsible, and resilient. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we end up fostering traits in our children that make them, well, difficult.

Psychology points out that certain parental behaviors can inadvertently shape a child into becoming hard …

Relationships & Personal Growth

People who grew up in a low-income family usually display these 7 behaviors as adults

Growing up in a low-income family shapes us in ways that stay with us long into adulthood. It’s not just about money; it’s about mindset, habits, and perspectives.

These experiences tend to manifest in certain behaviors as we grow older. I’ve identified seven common behaviors that often characterize adults who grew up in low-income families.…