Using Design To Extend And Safeguard Your Brand
Authors should use design to extend and safeguard their brand beyond the cover of the book they wrote to build their visibility, attract new business, and establish a personal brand.
The book cover is the starting point; it’s the most immediately obvious visible symbol of an author’s personal brand.
And, in many cases, a book …
Leveraging the Brand Created by Your Book
Although writing a book remains the best way to build your personal brand, writing a book, by itself, is usually not enough. Instead, you must build upon, and leverage, the brand created by your book by consistently promoting it online and offline.
In many ways, writing a book is the first step, or “price of …
Learn to Write a Book by Reading
Reading and analyzing books by others should play an important role in your journey to writing a nonfiction book to build your personal brand as an expert in your field.
Usually, your reading takes place in your field. But, often, the best learning takes place when you read and analyze books outside of your field.…
Using Chapter Titles to Build Your Personal Brand
Like the title and subtitle of your book, each chapter title can help you sell more books while building and promoting your personal brand.
Each chapter title provides you with a valuable opportunity to convince prospects that your book offers excellent value, while reinforcing your subject area expert position as a valuable resource to help …
Content Management Tips for Personal Branding
Content management doesn’t sound very exciting, but content management is not an option if you want to build your personal brand as a high-visibility subject area expert.
The following tips will help you create a content management system–an easy way to consistently plan, produce, and track your book and marketing content. Using a content management …
What Are Your Writing Goals for March?
As the second month of 2010 fades into the background, it’s time to evaluate the progress you’ve made writing your personal branding book during February and review your writing commitments for March.
Months have a way of disappearing without visible progress on your book.
The best way to make sure that you make consistent progress …
How to Save Time Choosing the Right Topic for Your Book
Once you’ve made a commitment to writing a nonfiction to build your brand and advance your career, whether you’re working for someone else or own your own business, the next step is to choose the right topic, perspective, or approach, for your book.
Your choice of topic is critical. We’ve all graduated from high school …
10 Common Book Publishing Myths and Misconceptions
Don’t let the following 10 book publishing myths and misconceptions undermine your confidence and lead you astray when you think about writing a nonfiction book to build your personal brand and expand your career opportunities and/or business profits.
1. I don’t have time to write a bookWho does have time to write a book? …
One Sheets Can Market Your Book and Build Your Brand
One sheets are a powerful marketing tool for you to use marketing your book and promoting the services that make up your personal brand. One sheets are easy to produce and free to distribute.
One sheets are the ideal way to build your brand at minimum cost.
Once you create your first one sheet, you’ll …
Searching for Book Ideas on Amazon
More than any single bookstore or library, Amazon can be an author’s best friend, offering endless opportunities to search for currently available books, ideas, and opportunities.
Time spent at Amazon will help you:
Locate the “missing book.” Searching at helps you…