Author: Oscar Del Santo

Oscar Del Santo is a Search Engine Marketing authorised consultant with SEMPO and an inbound marketing certified professional with ‘Inbound Marketing University’. He has been extensively featured in the Spanish and Latin American media (‘El País’, ‘El Economista’, ’20 minutos’, ‘Diario Sur’, ‘La Prensa Gráfica’, ‘Onda Murcia’,‘RTV Castilla y León’, ‘Canal NTN24’, …) and is a regular contributor to several TV and radio programs. He was recently awarded the #TwitawardSV for his participation in El Salvador’s Social Media Day and has been included in the ‘Top 70 Spanish Tweeters’ list.
gen-yRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

Generation Yers: Is Your Offline Holding Up?

Our modern lives happen in two parallel universes: one physical and one virtual. Their relationship can be compared to that of body and mind: although physical health and mental health are closely related and they constantly interact with each other, they most definitely require a different set of skills, techniques, strategies and professionals to be …

eBrandMe 2.0Relationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

It All Began With A Picture

There are no shortcuts to building a credible, durable and goal-oriented personal brand that delivers tangible results for your career and your life. As experts and those who have achieved remarkable professional and personal benefits remind us with the full authority of experience, before embarking onto any practical steps to develop our brands we must …

Book ReviewsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Willpower: The Fuel Behind Your Career And Your Brand

If you are a regular reader of this blog and other personal branding quality materials, you are probably convinced by now out that your brand is one of your greatest (if not ‘the’ greatest) intangible assets at your disposal. It is also absolutely key to the build-up and development of your career in these most …

Brand MysteryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

The Amazing Power Of Role-Modeling

On the surface, nothing appears to be more intimate, highly idiosyncratic, essentially non-transferable, and inimitable than building and developing our personal brands. Most of us set out to become the next hired graduate, model employee, successful entrepreneur, influential politician, respected community leader or celebrated sportsperson based upon the deeply-held belief that we can leave our …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Recommend Or Not To Recommend: That Is The Question

I don’t think there is any other aspect of online reputation for companies and individuals, as undervalued and taken lightly, as the giving and managing of recommendations. While it remains true that (in a positive sense) recommendations can be the pat on the back we need to get that coveted job, improve our influence and …