Author: Leslie Truex

Leslie Truex is a career design expert who has been helping people find or create work that fits their lifestyle goals since 1998 through her website Work-At-Home Success. She is the author of “The Work-At-Home Success Bible” and “Jobs Online: How To Find a Get Hired to a Work-At-Home Job”. She's appeared on, Fox Business, Redbook and a host of other media outlets discussing telecommuting, home business and other flexible career option. She speaks regularly on career-related topics, including telecommuting, home business, marketing, personal development and authorship. Learn more about her at
entrepreneurshipNetworkingPersonal Branding

Promote and Profit with Education-Based Marketing

Consumers today are savvy when it comes to spending their money. No longer do they fall for traditional marketing tactics. Instead they are researching, getting referrals and vetting businesses before buying goods and services. But marketers can be savvy, too, by shifting their focus on sales and instead building trust and rapport through education-based marketing.…

entrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingSkill Development

Things to Consider Before Telecommuting

Telecommuting seems like the ideal work situation. You can earn an income from the comfort of your home, while avoiding commutes and office politics. Nevertheless, telecommuting is not without its challenges. Before accepting a work-at-home position, here are some things you should consider.

Do you have the discipline?

The first week I worked from home …