Author: Katie Konrath

Katie works with Fortune 500 companies to help them generate new ideas based on consumer insights at leading innovation company She’s worked with creativity guru Edward de Bono and uncovered new ideas across North America and Europe. Prior to that, she earned a Masters degree in Creativity and Innovation from the Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking in Malta, was certified as a Lateral Thinking trainer, and studied at the TRIZ Institute in St Petersburg, Russia. She writes the leading innovation blog,
Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Stop Saying You “Can Do Anything!”

Not long ago, I had the experience of working with a new intern. While we were having a coffee, I asked her about herself and how she saw herself helping us during her stay.

“Oh, I can do anything,” she gushed. “I’m just so happy to be here that I’ll do whatever you want me …

Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding to Prevent Career Suicide

Two days ago I read an article on about how many people are afraid that taking a “survival job” to make ends meet now will destroy their career when the economy picks up again.

That’s very understandable.  When you’re forced into a lower-level job than you were currently doing, or find yourself doing a …

Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Make Sure You Avoid this Online Branding Fiasco

Earlier this week, I heard about an acquaintance who had misrepresented himself on LinkedIn.  He changed his profile to only show partial information about his work history.  Plus, he added a company profile for his new consulting business and grossly lied about his 2009 revenue and the number of employees he had.  All those changes …