Author: Katie Konrath

Katie works with Fortune 500 companies to help them generate new ideas based on consumer insights at leading innovation company She’s worked with creativity guru Edward de Bono and uncovered new ideas across North America and Europe. Prior to that, she earned a Masters degree in Creativity and Innovation from the Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking in Malta, was certified as a Lateral Thinking trainer, and studied at the TRIZ Institute in St Petersburg, Russia. She writes the leading innovation blog,
Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Daniel Pink: We’re All Secretly Sellers

What do innovation and personal branding have in common? They’re both about understanding your customers’ needs and figuring out how to persuade them.  (Either to buy a product or to hire you).

Next week, I’ll be representing the Personal Branding Blog at the Front End of Innovation conference in Boston, Massachusetts. One of the speakers …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Get Hired: How to Appear More Confident

When applying for a job today, it’s essential to appear confident in your communications with the hiring manager. Everyone knows that “looking the part” is important. That’s why job seekers wear nice clothes, style their hair professionally and obsess over the design of resumes.

But even when they’re fixating on details such as the style …

Job SearchRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How To Convince Others That You’re An Innovator

Innovation has been a buzz word for a while now – and it’s one of those hurdles you must surmount if you’re looking for a job.  Employers want creative employees. Investors want to put their money behind creative people.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers found that employers overwhelmingly look for problem solving skills …