How To Update Your Avatar For Best Results
A quick guide to effectively updating your avatar.
I hadn’t updated my avatar in a long time.
In Why You Should Update Your Personal Avatar Now, I said “don’t change only for the sake of change.” Brand reinforcement is based on consistency, so you need a good reason to introduce some inconsistency with a new …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #16
Responses to recent tweets by people about personal branding and not showering, online portfolios and donations to non-profits.
Personal branding hygieneGreg Hartle, @greghartle, twittered: Experts: Am I hurting my personal brand by not showering for four days?
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: Not if you work from home by yourself and don’t do video.
Yes if …
15 Personal Branding Regrets You Don’t Want to Have
1) Not thinking about what your personal branding goals should be
Are you trying to get promoted or promote something you created? Are you trying to get into an exclusive club, prestigious organization or just a good company to work for?
2) Not tracking your personal …
Where To Find Local Networking Events Offline
Great for making new contacts, meeting potential clients, partners and more, all in person. But how to find offline networking events?
Keep in mind
Industry events are great, but not only for your industry. Use the former for mentors and partners, and the latter for clients and referrals. Events come in all shapes and sizes:…Ask The Experts: Most Effective Personal Branding Tool?
I asked the The Personal Branding Blog contributors this question:
What has been the single most effective personal branding tool for you and why?
Elinor Stutz: TwitterIn regard to the most effective personal branding tool, I never thought of it in this light before, but for me Twitter has been exceptional. By posting helpful …
5 More WordPress Plugins For Personal Brand-Building Bloggers
Another selection of useful WordPress plugins that build your brand while helping your readers.
1. Jetpack
Official description: “a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of”
Jetpack comes from Automattic, the creators of WordPress, so you know it’s high quality.
Although technically one plugin, Jetpack’s combination of …
The Biggest Danger Of Personal Branding With Social Media
How much of your personal brand do you own?
If you follow the good advice provided here on The Personal Branding Blog, you spend a part of your daily routine building your personal brand on social media. But did you know that what you create on those sites can be used in ways you can’t …
Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #15
Here are responses to recent tweets by people about personal branding and resumes, tweets, teeth whitening and sales.
Resumes of the new worldGarth Braithwaite, @Br8thw8t, twittered: Will resumes be a thing of the past? Will Personal Branding via Social Medium be the measure by which employers make there pre-selections?
Jacob Share, @jacobshare: Our notion …
The Latest Trend In Online Reputation Management
If googling yourself is painful, you’ll want to read this.
There was a common theme among the SEO and reputation management experts in a recent panel.
(Last year, a similar panel’s main point was how exposing yourself first can save you from harmful exposure later.)
Let’s see what they had to say.
Shira AbelShira …
How To Get and Use Your Own Domain Name, Part 2
For that extra professional touch.
A JobMob reader asks:
I have a professional question. Do you know how someone gets a domain name that is their name? As in [email protected]?
There are actually 2 parts to the question:
1) How do you get your own domain name?
2) How do you use that domain for …