Can You Spare 40 Minutes to Learn a New Trick?
They say an old dog cannot learn a new trick. I think that is categorically false.
If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.
5 years or 20 hours?
Would you be willing to spend 20 hours to acquire a new skill? That’s only …
Responding Well is an Art Form
When you are faced with a decision do you make a Snap Decision or a calculated and Measured Response?
Different situations can call for one or the other. If you are driving and someone steps into the street or a car veers your direction you will need to implement a quick response. If your customer …
Listen to the Stories, but Heed the Actions
Listen for the stories.
Believe the actionsA lot of companies tell great stories. Listen to them. They may include great folklore and mythology. However, pay special attention to what companies actually do. What they do is who they ARE.
This is another way of saying – Actions Speak Louder than Words
Some companies get …
Don’t Pave the Cow Paths
One of my favorite lines from a book I read many years ago is about cows. Well, not literally about cows, but uses a metaphor about a perception of cows. The perception is that cows will do the same thing over and over again because well … they will. They’ll follow the same trail to …
Top 10 Tips for New Grads
It’s that time of year when our future leaders are getting ready to graduate.
There are lots of lists and speeches by people much more famous and far more successful that little old me.
This list is something I have put together from my 20+ years in business. In those 20 years I’ve been a …
If You are Surprised by Mornings…
If you find yourself surprised by mornings … Perhaps you need a different plan.
If you find yourself having all of your tasks and priorities assigned for you … Perhaps you need a different plan.
Caveat: If you like to be told what to do and if you like to be surprised by what you’ll …
You Cannot Keep Up a Façade for Three Years
If you are looking for a job. Don’t put up a facade and hope that you’ll eventually come to terms with what you have resigned yourself to do. Don’t do it. Just don’t.
If you are in a job that is not your ideal job. Don’t fake it. Your best work will not come through. …

Ship, Shipmates, Self
I was meeting with a friend the other day and he mentioned these three simple words for setting priorities. He had heard these from an admiral while he was serving the U.S. Navy.
I thought about these three words for a while and can see …
Meetings Can Be Productive…If You Let Them Be
A lot of people think meetings are a huge waste of time. And they can be … if you let them be.
The pessimists view of meetings:
”The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings.” ~ Thomas Sowell
However, meetings can also be very productive. In fact, …
10 Things I’ve Learned About Business from Mountain Biking
Whether you know how to ride a bike or not. Whether you’ve ever been on a trail, let alone a Mountain Bike in a forest. There are a few things I have learned from 20+ years of Mountain Biking that I think align quite closely with what we all deal with in our everyday work …