Author: Harvey Mackay

Communication & Networkingguest postJob SearchLifestyle & Habit Building

Acing The Interview

No single job hunting skill outranks knowing how to interview successfully. When pilots fly, they step through a rigorous preparation checklist before each take off. Apply the same procedure in landing a job. The choice between a job interview being a picture-perfect three-point touch-down and a gruesome crash-and-burn is totally up to you.

Use Your …

Communication & Networkingguest postJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

You Can’t Get Anywhere Unless You Start

On the Web recently, I ran across the reminiscence of a senior citizen about his first job as a shelf stocker at a supermarket. “They told me I would get two weeks paid vacation,” he recalls. “I couldn’t wait to find out where they were going to send me. I wasn’t the brightest crayon in …