Author: Frank Agin

Frank Agin is the founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections, an organization that empowers entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals to become more successful through professional networking and developing stronger business relationships. In addition, Frank is the author of Foundational Networking: Building Know, Like and Trust To Create A Lifetime of Extraordinary Success and the co-author of LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World’s Largest Professional Networking Website and The Champion: Finding the Most Valuable Person in Your Network. He has also written dozens of articles and delivered hundreds of programs on achieving greater success through professional networking. All of his work and programs are an accumulation of his life experiences, observations and investigation as it relates to professional networking and business relationships. He is a graduate of Beloit College (Beloit, Wisconsin) and has a law degree and MBA from the Ohio State University. He lives near Columbus, Ohio with his wife and three children. To learn more about Frank Agin, go to To contact him, you can e-mail him at [email protected] or connect with him through the following social media applications. LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: @frankagin
Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

The Wonderful Thing About “Thank You”

Almost universally, the first words our parents endeavor to teach us to say are “mama” or “dada.” Although some of us perhaps were quicker than others, sooner or later we made our parents proud by uttering these words. Shortly thereafter our parents attempted to grow our young and impressionable vocabularies, while making us polite human …