What Pitfalls Should Virtual Executives Beware Of?
Thinking they can get away with sloppy thinking, writing, responding, dress, planning, integrity, disposition, etc. — because no one sees. Wrong. Everything that goes on behind a monitor can be sensed, felt, surmised by the other person. If a plant responds to someone’s attitude (as Prince Charles believes), a horse can sense fear running down …

Virtual Meeting Prep
Before you join in a video conference or virtual meeting of any kind, think through the ramifications of what’s about to happen. Take at least a little time to create a positive impression with your visual surroundings and make the exchange productive for all. Outline your objective. Rehearse your points so that you can:
• …

Project A Good Attitude
It’s okay to wear an enthusiastic, positive attitude on your sleeve. That’s a constructive and productive point of view when coupled with plans to make it happen. A positive, optimistic approach will improve the outcome of any situation you are in, even if you’re the only one who has one.
Yes, I know that life …

Your Good Attitude is Everything
If you “sing” at work, it shows in person and online. When you look, think, and act with deep cheerfulness, you:
• Lighten yours and others’ burdens
• Increase your physical, mental, and emotional energy • Have a better chance of fighting off a cold
• Make experiences delightful
• Have more fun than pessimists

Why Is It Important to Ask Questions
Asking questions is a basic leadership requirement. Whether you are leading, managing, job interviewing, negotiation, selling, influencing or just engaging your question asking is more important then you question answering.
Find out what the other people care about, value, like, and dislike Distinguish yourself from the know-it-alls Flatter others, and maintain their self-esteem Show interest…
Communication Chaos
With all the communication tools available to us there is still massive mutual mystification when it comes to clearly understanding each other. Many factors contribute to that, not the least being the languages people speak in our diverse workforce. A US Census report on findings from 2009-2013 found that sixty million American’s speak languages other …

International Personal Bonding
There is about a 100 percent possibility that in the course of your day you will be communicating with someone from a different country who has had a different cultural upbringing and who speaks a different first language than you do.
As one of my coaching clients explained, “I was with team members on a …

Slow Down; Have an Urgent Calm
Don’t be quick, fast, or in a hurry (all the time).
Be unhurried (within reason, of course). Be markedly unrushed. Slow down when you talk, walk, respond, ask a question, enter a room, shake hands, and leave a room. Be confident enough to take time. Move only when necessary.
If you slow down. You’ll go …

What Is Most Personal is Most Universal
We all think we’re different, but there are more similarities than differences between us. What is most universal is most personal. Most people:
Feel not fully understood Are the center of their own universe Want to see what they own go up in value all of the time Want to be appreciated, to feel powerful,…
Prepare Before you Meet, Talk, or Click
You can be anything and do anything with enough preparation and work. To be effective in what message you want to get across to others, you must prepare. If you painstakingly prepare more than most people bother to, it will measurably improve your chances of affecting people the way you want. Some CEOs tell me …