A Cup of Coffee to Your Personal Brand

Whether you desire a new job, a pay increase, or a competitive edge in the marketplace, you need a killer online presence, proof of your expertise, and a personal brand that reflects you as an industry insider with a marketable skill set. But, taking these concepts and turning them into something real and usable can seem daunting, leaving countless individuals floating away in a “where do I even begin” standstill.

You can make it happen, however, in the time it takes you to have your morning cup of joe.  I’ll be here on Sundays, with practical, easy and actionable tips–that you can complete within 30 minutes–to create an online you that reflects your passion and allows you to command your future.

So, let’s dive in and take a look at one of the most fundamental components of the online you–your LinkedIn profile.

When the person you want to impress Googles your name, your LinkedIn profile will be their most convenient reference tool.  And human nature dictates that they’ll attach a higher (or lower) value to your perceived skill set based on what they see.  If you only have 30 minutes to spend on your online self, this is definitely the place to use them.

Getting linked

1)    Consider this: the average employer looks at a resume for only 45 seconds.  In the online world, you can cut that in half.  Grab a sheet of paper and set your timer for 23 seconds. Open up your profile and press start.   When the timer goes off, write down 3 pieces of information that were left top of mind.  Does the information there reflect how you want people to perceive you?  Change, update or re-word those 3 items to better describe you and your expertise. (4 minutes)

2)    Do you have a sizable, relevant, targeted network? One of the easiest ways to add high quality, relevant connections is to join groups.  Join 10 LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your industry or area of expertise.  Once you’re a member, you can freely invite other members within the group.  (5 minutes)

3)    Studies show that more people make decisions based on peer recommendations today than any other form of advertising.  Here are two easy ways to get a recommendation: a) Give one to someone else first. b.) Send a recommendation request with an ultra-specific message, such as:  “Would you be willing to write a 2-sentence endorsement about the additional hours I devoted to the Pensky project?  I will gladly return the favor.”  The more thumb’s up recommendation icons you have, the better. (9 minutes)

4)    Search LinkedIn Q&A for open questions in your area of expertise.  Answer 2 now.  Even if you answer only 2 per week, you’re presenting yourself as an authority and significantly increasing your chances of being tagged an “expert.” (9 minutes)

5)    Every click of your email “send” button is an opportunity to advertise yourself.  Adding your profile link to your email signature is the perfect way to direct recipients to the information you want them to see. (3 minutes)

Okay—time’s up.  Look at how much you accomplished in just 30 minutes!  See you here next week!

Picture of Wendy Brache

Wendy Brache

Wendy Brache builds and executes personal branding and online marketing strategy for executives and corporations in the high-tech sector. She is the author of Sales Force Branding: Differentiate from the Competition, and co-creator of the Sales Force Branding program. Wendy is a senior consultant specializing in B2B Corporate Social Media, Demand Generation and Marketing Automation, and is also a featured marketing technology speaker and columnist on renowned websites, such as Maria Shriver’s Women’s Conference, Chopra’s Intent.com and Denver’s GreatIdeasForKids.com.


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