People who feel lost in life often display these 7 behaviors without realizing it

I remember a time in my life when I felt completely unmoored—no clear direction, no motivating passion, and this nagging sensation that everyone around me had it all figured out. 

In my counseling practice, I’ve met many individuals wrestling with the same kind of disorientation. 

They wouldn’t necessarily say they’re unhappy, but they do feel “off”—like something crucial is missing. 

Over the years, I’ve noticed consistent patterns in people who say they’ve lost their sense of purpose. 

They don’t always recognize these habits as red flags, but once we identify them, the path to real clarity becomes a little less foggy.

If you’ve been questioning where your life is heading or why you can’t seem to break free from an internal slump, it might help to look out for a few key signs. 

Let’s explore seven common behaviors that can sneak up on you when you’re stuck in a state of confusion.

1. Constantly seeking external validation

It’s one thing to enjoy a compliment on your new haircut or a pat on the back for a job well done. 

But when you’re waiting on someone else to approve every decision—be it a close friend, coworker, or a social media audience—there’s a good chance you’re feeling lost. 

Like the people at Psych Central said, over-reliance on praise from others can hamper your personal growth and keep you from developing a solid sense of self.

In other words, when you keep chasing that feedback or stamp of approval, you forget how to trust your own gut. 

Eventually, you may lose sight of what you truly want, because you’re focused on what everyone else thinks is right for you.

2. Having no clear goals or direction

Some people wake up every morning with a precise to-do list, but others roll out of bed unsure of what they’re aiming for. 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a step back now and then, especially if you’re in the middle of a transition. 

The issue arises when that pause turns into a permanent state of limbo. You might find yourself drifting from one idea to the next without ever committing.

Over the years, I’ve had clients say they feel “called” to do something meaningful, but they’re not sure what that looks like. 

Instead of exploring different paths wholeheartedly, they stay in the brainstorming stage indefinitely. 

When you have no roadmap, you might fill the time with procrastination or busywork—anything to avoid the scary question: “What do I actually want?” 

Setting short-term goals, even if they’re small, can break the pattern and help you find your footing.

3. Comparing themselves unfavorably to others

Comparison is the thief of joy. We’ve all heard that quote, but it’s incredibly easy to forget it once you’re scrolling through social media and everyone else’s life looks perfect. 

People who feel lost often get stuck in this negative comparison trap. 

It might be comparing your job title to your sibling’s or measuring your romantic relationship against your best friend’s love story.

I’ve been there, too. There was a time when I saw colleagues publishing books left and right. 

Meanwhile, I was still outlining my own manuscript (which thankfully, I finished, in my own time, once I stopped being in a “race” with everyone else).

Back then, every success story in my feed felt like it was mocking me. But eventually, I realized that comparing my behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel was an unwinnable game. 

Focusing on your unique journey can keep you grounded, even if you still feel a little wobbly about where it’s headed.

4. Clinging to comfort zones

We all love a good comfort zone—those predictable routines and familiar places that make us feel safe. 

But people who feel lost sometimes hold onto their comfort zones so tightly that they never explore new territory. 

Instead of trying a new course or switching up their daily habits, they stick to what they know, hoping clarity will magically appear.

As counterintuitive as it sounds, real clarity often comes from experimentation and dealing with uncertainty. 

The folks at Psychology Today stand behind this, noting that stepping outside your usual boundaries can offer fresh perspectives and undiscovered passions. 

When you’re lost, staying put might feel safer, but it’s usually the bold leaps and small risks that illuminate the path forward. 

That doesn’t mean you have to go skydiving or move to another continent overnight. Start with small steps, like attending a local meetup or signing up for a class you’ve been curious about.

5. Overthinking every decision

If you find yourself dissecting every tiny choice—wondering if you’ve chosen the wrong restaurant for dinner or if your last text had the right tone—you might be battling a deeper sense of directionlessness.

In my counseling practice, I’ve seen how overthinking can lead to an endless cycle of anxiety and second-guessing. 

A simple technique I sometimes suggest is giving yourself a “deadline” for each decision, whether it’s choosing your lunch order or deciding which job opportunity to pursue. 

Once that time is up, act on what you’ve got—no more waffling. It’s a great way to practice trusting your instincts and getting more comfortable with risk and uncertainty.

6. Feeling disconnected from personal values

Values act like a compass, pointing you toward what matters most. But if you’re not sure what your core values are, you’re more susceptible to drifting. 

People who struggle to articulate their non-negotiables (like honesty, family, creativity, or independence) often end up in jobs, friendships, or lifestyles that clash with who they really are. 

Then they wonder why they constantly feel unsettled.

In the past, I’ve encouraged some of my clients to do a simple exercise: jot down five things that make them truly happy and fulfilled. 

Compare those five things to how you’re spending your time and energy. Are you honoring the values behind them? 

If the answer is “not really,” that’s usually a sign you’re out of alignment—and that’s where that lost feeling might stem from.

7. Neglecting self-reflection and self-care

I’ve saved a big one until last, friends. Self-reflection is often the missing piece when you feel like you’re floating around without a purpose. 

When you go on autopilot—saying yes to every request, numbing out with TV and social media, ignoring physical and emotional health—it becomes nearly impossible to understand why you feel unsettled. 

Self-care is more than spa days and bubble baths (though I’m personally a fan). 

It’s about carving out time to check in with yourself, whether that’s journaling, meditating, or simply taking a long walk and letting your thoughts wander.

These small acts help you reconnect with your inner self and clarify what’s really going on beneath the surface.

Final thoughts

Being lost is not a life sentence. In fact, I see it as a catalyst for a new, exciting chapter. 

If you recognize yourself in any of these seven behaviors, it may be time to get intentional about your next steps.

There’s no magic formula for finding direction, but acknowledging that you feel uncertain and identifying specific signs are powerful places to start. 

Clarity often comes when you push out of your comfort zone, get real about your values, and commit to caring for your mental and emotional well-being. 

With patience and a little self-compassion, you can begin to map out a path that genuinely resonates with who you are and where you want to go.

Signing off.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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