10 habits of unsuccessful people who never move forward in life

We all have habits that shape our lives, for better or worse.

Some habits propel us towards success, while others hold us back, keeping us stuck in a life we’re not happy with. Unsuccessful people often unknowingly adopt habits that prevent them from moving forward.

In this article, I’ll be discussing 10 habits that unsuccessful individuals tend to have. These are behaviours that keep them from progressing in life and achieving their dreams.

Let’s dive into these destructive habits. Not to judge or criticize, but to understand and hopefully avoid falling into the same traps.

1) Fear of taking risks

Successful people understand that taking risks is part of the journey towards success. However, those stuck in the rut of failure often let fear rule their choices.

The fear of risk leads to stagnation, preventing any chance at progress. It’s like being stuck on a treadmill – you’re moving, but not going anywhere.

This fear can stem from various sources, such as past failures or the fear of what others may think. Regardless of the source, this fear becomes a habit that keeps unsuccessful people from ever stepping out of their comfort zone and moving forward in life.

Recognizing this habit is the first step towards overcoming it. After all, every great success story involves some degree of risk. So don’t let fear hold you back.

2) Procrastination

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve fallen into the trap of procrastination more times than I’d like to recall.

I’ve experienced those days when I convince myself that I’ll start my workout routine tomorrow, or that I’ll get to that report first thing in the morning. But “tomorrow” or “first thing in the morning” often turns into next week, then next month, and before I know it, I’m stuck in a cycle of putting things off.

This is a common habit among unsuccessful people. They continuously delay tasks, waiting for the ‘perfect’ time to start or finish something. This leads to a pile-up of tasks and goals, creating an overwhelming sense of dread which further fuels the habit of procrastination.

The key to breaking this habit is to start small and take immediate action. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because it may never come. Instead, seize the present moment and make progress now.

3) Lack of Self-Discipline

Self-discipline, or lack thereof, can be a significant factor in determining success or failure. A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that self-discipline was a better predictor of academic success than IQ.

Unsuccessful people often struggle with maintaining self-discipline. They let distractions get in the way, struggle to maintain focus, and tend to give into instant gratification rather than working towards long-term goals.

This habit of lacking self-discipline prevents them from consistently taking action towards their objectives. Therefore, building self-discipline is crucial for anyone looking to move forward in life. It may not be easy, but it’s certainly worth the effort.

4) Negative mindset

Our mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. Sadly, unsuccessful people often have a persistent negative mindset.

They tend to focus on problems rather than solutions, are quick to spot the negatives in any situation, and generally have a pessimistic outlook on life. This constant negativity can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, leading to a cycle of failure and disappointment.

However, it’s important to remember that our mindset is not fixed. With effort and determination, anyone can cultivate a more positive outlook.

By focusing on possibilities instead of obstacles, we can turn our failures into learning opportunities and make significant strides forward in life.

5) Resistance to change

Change is a constant part of life. However, unsuccessful people often display a strong resistance to change.

They cling to the familiar, even if it’s not serving them well. This could be a dead-end job, an unhealthy relationship, or a harmful habit. Their unwillingness to embrace change keeps them stuck in their current situation, preventing any progress.

In contrast, successful people understand that change is necessary for growth. They’re not afraid to step into the unknown if it means a chance at a better life. By learning to embrace change instead of resisting it, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and possibilities.

6) Poor self-esteem

At the core of many unsuccessful people is a deep-seated feeling of not being good enough.

Poor self-esteem can be incredibly damaging. It can make you second guess your every move, hold you back from taking chances, and prevent you from believing in your own capabilities.

This lack of self-worth becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you’re not worthy of success, you’re unlikely to take the steps necessary to achieve it.

However, everyone deserves to realize their potential and live a fulfilling life. Building up your self-esteem is not an overnight task, but it’s an essential step towards breaking free from the cycle of unsuccess. You are worthy, capable, and deserving of all the good that life has to offer.

7) Failure to set goals

I remember a time when I was wandering through life aimlessly, without clear direction or purpose. It felt like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle, without any progress or growth.

This is a habit shared by many unsuccessful people – a failure to set goals. Without clear goals, it’s difficult to maintain focus and motivation. It’s like trying to reach a destination without having a roadmap.

Setting clear, achievable goals gives us a sense of direction and purpose. It helps us stay focused and motivated, and provides a roadmap towards success.

Take the time to define what success looks like for you, and set goals that will help you get there. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

8) Overplanning

Planning is important, but there’s a point where it becomes counterproductive. Some unsuccessful people get caught in a loop of endless planning, trying to predict and prepare for every possible outcome.

While this might seem like a good strategy, it often leads to paralysis by analysis. They get so caught up in the planning stage that they never take action. The reality is, it’s impossible to foresee every obstacle or challenge that might come your way.

The most successful people understand that it’s more important to take action and adjust their plans along the way. Don’t let overplanning hold you back. Take the leap, and trust that you have the skills and resilience to handle whatever comes your way.

9) Lack of persistence

Persistence is a crucial trait of successful people. They understand that success doesn’t usually come easy or fast. There will be setbacks and disappointments along the way, but they keep going.

However, unsuccessful people often lack this persistence. They give up at the first sign of difficulty, viewing setbacks as insurmountable obstacles rather than temporary hurdles.

This lack of persistence prevents them from achieving their goals and moving forward in life. Setbacks are a part of the journey towards success. Don’t let them discourage you. Instead, use them as stepping stones to reach your goals.

10) Ignoring personal growth

The most successful people understand that personal growth is a lifelong journey. They are always looking for ways to improve, learn, and evolve.

On the flip side, unsuccessful people often ignore personal growth. They become complacent, believing they already know everything they need to know or that they have reached their peak.

This mindset of stagnation is detrimental. It prevents them from gaining new skills, improving existing ones, and ultimately from moving forward in life.

Investing in your personal growth is more than just a good habit – it’s a cornerstone for success. So, commit to continual learning and self-improvement. It’s the best investment you’ll ever make.

Final thought: It’s within your power

The beauty of habits is that they are not set in stone. They are malleable, changeable, and within your control.

We’ve explored the ten habits that often hold people back from moving forward in life. But it’s essential to remember that recognizing these habits is the first step towards change.

A study conducted at Duke University revealed that more than 40% of the actions people performed each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits. This shows the immense power habits hold over our lives.

But this should not be a source of despair; on the contrary, it’s a source of hope. By consciously identifying and altering these habits, we can take control of our actions and, ultimately, our lives.

Unsuccessful habits can be replaced with successful ones. Fear can be replaced with courage, procrastination with action, and a negative mindset with a positive one.

Remember, the power to move forward in life lies within you. You have the ability to change your habits, and by doing so, change your life.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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