5 Benefits of Making a Career Shift or Change

The career, job and work worlds changed dramatically in the Fall of 2008 and continues to struggle to stabilize. The attitude and approach people are taking about their own career transition today is better, but still this is very challenging for many. I have been there and know how this feels.

I made my voluntary, thoughtful exit in August 2006 from what was up to then a very high level, perk filled, secure two decades in broadcast radio sales and management. I wanted more and knew there was more, and I knew what I had up to then was going to change anyway.

I took the leap with a sense of faith in myself, curiosity and adventure.

Shift, change or reinvent

photoHere are 5 benefits I see for making a career shift or change now. This could be the perfect reason and time to give your personal brand a makeover or reinvent!

1)  Accepting the Inevitable
Most people don’t want to see what’s really going on around them. They kind of sense things aren’t quite right, but they ignore signs hoping it will go away or get better. That’s not a good mindset or approach for what we now know is a world in rapid and constant acceleration. Businesses that once thrived will implode if they don’t keep up and change. Are you working at one of those companies? Are you noticing major changes in the way they are doing business? Is the activity and moral down? These are Red Flags that it’s time for you to get proactive and start seeking other job opportunities and security.

2) It’s Time to Do Something Different
My mother Ruth had an expression that has stuck with me all my life: “You only come this way one time, so do it now.” In our lifetime we will probably have 15 or more jobs or more. People who still have job security and have worked in the same companies and fields for more than 10 years are fortunate. Entrepreneurship is hot right now. If it’s time to do something different and you want to give that a go make sure you have the qualities to be an entrepreneur, a business idea, capital, marketability and bank-ability. The great news is if you have a computer, a mobile phone and social marketing you can be in business!

3) It’s Making Me Sick
The toxic affect of stress in many dysfunctional work environments, people being given more jobs for the same money, morale and company culture at an all time low, are just a few of the realities people are living through.  Stress is one of the most powerful things underlying almost everything today. High blood pressure, less time with family, getting sick more often: is it worth it? Stress is part of life. Life is stressful. We can choose what situations at least can offer us a balance of fulfillment and some stress.

4) Tapping Into and Using All Your Assets.
Do you often feel like you just aren’t using all the skills and qualities that you have to their fullest? I can remember back in 2005, thinking about that while working in corporate America. I knew that the division I was in was NOT going to afford me any more room to grow vertically, and I needed to keep growing. I made a thoughtful and very scary move, but I was as ready as one could be, so I “made the shift” in August 2006 and have never looked back!

5) Live a More Purposeful Life
Career shifts can bring on a BIG identity crisis. It has for me a few times. If you are a career changer, in career transition or just ready to make the shift, this is NOT the end of your life. Quite the contrary it can be the impetus to that someplace and something you have really wanted to be or try. If not now, when? Take your leap with faith and a sense of adventure.

If you have made the shift in your career life, what are some of the benefits you have experienced?


Deborah Shane is an author, entrepreneur, radio host and expert. She is the heart and soul  of her business education and professional development company, Train with Shane and is in her third year of hosting a weekly business radio show on blogtalkradio.com. She writes for several national business, career and marketing blogs, and websites including smallbiztrends.com, careerealism.com, Internationalbusinesstimes.com, Smartbrief.com and blogher.com Her new book Career Transition-make the shift-the 5 steps to successful career reinvention is available now on amazon.com. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogtalkradio @Deborah Shane, or visit www.deborahshane.com.

Picture of Deborah Shane

Deborah Shane


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