4 Behaviors of High Performers

Anyone willing to pay the price can be a success. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of society is married to the status-quo. They want what was, not what can be. They believe that their intelligence, their personality and physical aptitudes are fixed.

This mindset hinders their ability to generate revenue, solve problems and create opportunities.

Conversely, high performers think differently and, thus behave differently. They believe that if a person can change the way they think, they can change their habits and ability to succeed.

High performers reach their professional goals not simply because of who they are or whom they know but more often because of what they do. Because achievement is correlated with our happiness, it’s important to map out the actions and beliefs that get high performers where they wish to be.

Behaviors of High Performers

Below, the sales recruitment professionals at KAS have listed 4.

1. High performers clearly define the goals they wish to accomplish then fully commit with everything they have. Because they clarify what they wish to achieve, they can clearly envision obtaining that goal. They see it, believe in their ability to obtain it and then make it happen.

This visualization, attitude and persistence propels them into a more meaningful existence. Moreover, maintaining unwavering confidence in getting to that desired end has a calming effect and mitigates stress. All of which furthers one’s progress.

2. Successful people achieve because they discover their passion and uncover their purpose. By uncovering what they are passionate about, they are able to pursue the careers which play to their strengths.

Passion helps the successful discover the enormous untapped potential necessary to achieve complex goals. Passion propels mental discipline while purpose helps define the actions necessary to take in order to facilitate success. In essence, the enjoyment of work combined with the knowledge of the purpose for doing a job helps build confidence, quell bad habits and heighten resiliency.

Most importantly, passion fuels optimistic thinking; it turns tedious into challenging and stagnant into innovative.

3. High performers learn to recognize others’ emotions and handle relationships. This can also be described as emotional intelligence.

Accomplished individuals understand that nothing of substance can be achieved without the support and cooperation of those around them.

They prioritize learning to become empathetic and in-tune to the feelings of those around them. Because they are able to practice empathy, they gain a distinct ability to read others. As a result, they are far more effective at navigating the intricacies of the corporate landscape via creating powerful allies in the workplace.

4. High performers learn to manage their own emotions. Successful professionals gain the ability to shake off rampant anxiety, gloom, or irritability. While people who lack this ability are consistently battling distress, those who can properly manage the way they feel can bounce back far more rapidly from life’s setbacks and upsets.

Many underestimate just how crucial emotional management is to career success. Controlling one’s inner-monologue is essential for paying attention, for self-motivation and for creativity.

Successful individuals calm their mind through a few practices. One of the most effective ways they do so is by engaging in slow and controlled deep breathing. Even though it only takes a few minutes, deep breathing can greatly reduce metal chatter, rebalance the nervous system and lessen harmful physiological effects associated with fear and stress.

In the End

Part of becoming successful means incorporating the practices and mindset of people who continually achieve. While many people wish for success, few take the time to understand the thought processes and behaviors that facilitate accomplishment.

In the end, these individuals buy into the importance of discipline and devote themselves to a habit of excellence. The work is well worth it as it’s never too late to become more successful, more respected at work and happy in one’s career and personal life.

Picture of Ken Sundheim

Ken Sundheim

Ken Sundheim is the CEO of KAS Placement Sales and Marketing Recruiters, a sales and marketing recruiting firm specializing in staffing business development and marketing professionals around the U.S. Ken has been published in Forbes, Chicago Tribune, AOL, Business Insider, Ere.net, Recruiter.com, Huffington Post and many others. He has also appeared on MTV, Fox Business News and spoken at some of the country's leading business schools on HR, job search and recruitment.


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