10 habits of men who always cheat in their relationships, according to psychology

There’s a stark contrast between men who are loyal in their relationships and those who consistently cheat.

The difference lies in patterns. Cheating isn’t random—it’s often a result of consistent habits that men enact, perhaps even without realizing their implications.

According to psychology, certain behaviors can signal a higher propensity for infidelity. And it’s essential for people to recognize these signs, not to point fingers or assign blame, but to understand and address the issue at its root.

In this piece, we’re about to delve into the 10 habits of men who always cheat in their relationships. It’s time for some hard truths, and hopefully, some valuable insights.

Let’s get started.

1) Secretive behavior

Psychology suggests that behaviors are potent indicators of a person’s intentions and actions. And when it comes to infidelity, one habit that comes up time and again is secretive behavior.

Men who habitually cheat often exhibit signs of being overly secretive. This could be about their daily routine, their phone calls, or even their social media activity.

It’s a game of smoke and mirrors, designed to create confusion and uncertainty.

Often, they’ll guard their phones religiously, or suddenly change their passwords on accounts you once had access to. A sudden increase in privacy could be an indication that there’s something they do not want you to see.

It’s not about invading someone’s privacy or controlling their life. It’s about understanding patterns and behaviors that point to deeper issues in the relationship.

But bear in mind, everyone has a right to privacy, so it’s important not to jump to conclusions based solely on this habit. It’s one piece of the puzzle and should be considered alongside other signs.

2) Emotional distance

I’ve learned through personal experience that emotional distance can be a telling sign of infidelity.

A few years back, I was in a relationship with a man who started becoming emotionally distant. Our deep conversations turned shallow, and I felt like he was no longer fully present when we spent time together.

It was as if there was an invisible wall between us, one that kept growing thicker with time. He showed less interest in my day, my feelings, and our future plans.

Psychology suggests that men who cheat often detach emotionally from their partners. This emotional withdrawal can serve as a protective mechanism for them, creating a safe buffer between their actions and their guilt.

Again, it’s crucial to remember that emotional distance can be a result of many factors, not just infidelity. But if it’s coupled with other signs, it might be time to have an open conversation about what’s really going on.

3) Changes in sexual desire

A significant shift in a man’s sexual desire can be a red flag. This could swing either way – a sudden increase or a noticeable decrease in sexual activity.

Paradoxically, men who cheat might become more sexually active with their partners. This could be due to a heightened sense of arousal from the affair or even as an attempt to cover their tracks.

On the flip side, some men might show reduced interest in sex with their partners. This could be because they’re getting their needs met elsewhere, or due to feelings of guilt.

A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that men who were unfaithful to their partners reported higher levels of sexual desire for their partners. This seems counterintuitive but reflects the complex nature of infidelity and sexual desire.

As always, it’s crucial to consider these signs as part of a bigger picture and not jump to conclusions based on one piece of evidence.

4) Overcompensation

Overcompensation is another habit that men who cheat tend to display. This can take various forms – from showering you with unexpected gifts to sudden bursts of affection.

It’s like they’re trying to make up for their indiscretions by being overly attentive or generous. It’s as if they’re trying to balance the scales, hoping that their positive actions will overshadow their infidelity.

This behaviour can be confusing and often leads to a rollercoaster of emotions. You might feel loved and cherished one moment, then left feeling uncertain and doubtful the next.

Remember, it’s not about the gifts or the affection – it’s about the sudden, unexplained change in behaviour. If you sense something is off, trust your instincts. They might be telling you something important about your relationship.

5) Frequent unexplained absences

Another common habit among men who cheat is frequent, unexplained absences. This could be sudden late nights at work, unexpected business trips, or spending less time at home without a reasonable explanation.

The key here is the word ‘unexplained’. Everyone has work commitments, social obligations, and personal time. But when these absences become frequent and are often shrouded in mystery, it could be a sign of infidelity.

It’s like they’re physically present but emotionally absent. They may be with you, but their thoughts and actions indicate they’re somewhere else.

Again, it’s essential to avoid jumping to conclusions. Communication is key – try discussing your concerns openly and honestly. If the explanations still don’t add up, it might be time to delve deeper into what’s really going on.

6) Lack of empathy

One habit that breaks hearts more than any other is a lack of empathy. It’s a painful experience when the person you love seems indifferent to your feelings.

Men who cheat can often exhibit this trait. They might dismiss your concerns, belittle your feelings, or seem unresponsive to your emotional needs.

It’s as if they’ve put up a wall, protecting themselves from feeling guilty or acknowledging the hurt they’re causing. This lack of empathy can make you feel alone and invalidated in your relationship.

It’s essential to remember that everyone deserves respect and understanding in a relationship. If you’re feeling unheard or neglected, it may be time to reassess the dynamics of your relationship. Always prioritize your emotional well-being and seek support when needed.

7) Consistent dishonesty

There was a time when I found myself constantly questioning the truth. My partner would tell me one thing, only for me to discover later that reality was quite different.

Consistent dishonesty is another habit common among men who cheat. This could involve lying about small, seemingly insignificant things or larger, more consequential matters.

The lies create a web of deceit that’s hard to untangle and even harder to trust again. It’s like living in a constant state of uncertainty, never knowing what’s real and what’s fabricated.

Not all lies point towards infidelity, but consistent dishonesty certainly undermines trust – a vital component in any relationship. If you find yourself doubting more than believing, it might be time to confront the issue head-on.

8) Sudden bouts of jealousy

Surprisingly, men who cheat can sometimes become overly jealous of their partners. You might think that they would be less bothered given their own actions, but it often works the opposite way.

This unexpected jealousy can manifest in various ways, from questioning your interactions with others to showing a keen interest in your daily schedule.

It’s like they’re projecting their guilt onto you, creating scenarios in their minds where you’re the one being unfaithful.

This kind of behavior can be quite confusing and emotionally draining. Remember, trust is a two-way street. If it’s constantly being questioned without reason, it might be a sign of deeper issues at play.

9) Deflecting blame

Deflecting blame is another common habit among men who cheat. Instead of owning up to their actions, they might attribute their behavior to external factors or even blame you.

They might say they felt neglected, unappreciated, or misunderstood – painting themselves as the victim rather than the perpetrator.

This blame game can be manipulative and damaging. It’s a way of avoiding responsibility for their actions and shifting the focus away from their infidelity.

It’s important to remember that everyone is responsible for their own actions. Cheating is a choice, not a spontaneous reaction to circumstances. If you find yourself shouldering blame for your partner’s actions, take a step back and reassess. You’re not responsible for someone else’s choices.

10) They repeat the pattern

The most telling sign of a man who habitually cheats is that he repeats the pattern. Despite promises to change, apologies, and periods of apparent commitment, he falls back into his old ways.

It’s a painful cycle that leaves trust shattered and hearts broken. It’s the classic ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ scenario.

But remember, patterns can be broken, people can change. However, it requires genuine remorse, commitment to change, and consistent effort. Without these, the cycle is likely to continue. Don’t let hope keep you in a relationship that’s detrimental to your well-being. You deserve respect, honesty, and true commitment.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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