Your Business Tripod Steadily Grows Business

Are you steadfast and unshakeable?

The difference between those who are not successful and those who are is their level of dedication to persevering and finding a better way to attain their vision. They do not give up, give in to others, or sadly conclude, “it can’t be done”. Instead, the successful adopt the mindset similar to Thomas Edison. Mr. Edison proclaimed he found 999 ways the light bulb would not work which finally led him to the right path of the light turning on.

Observing motivated others. I have come to conclude there are three legs to business, and I term the concept, your Business Tripod. The three legs consist of belief, vision and plan. The tripod implemented well establishes a sound grounding. Self-introspection will lead you to developing three very strong legs to further ensure impending success.

Consider these questions: Do you have a profound belief in your forthcoming success? What will your success look like when you have accomplished all your desires, and what will your legacy be? Finally, how are you going to attain your vision?

Answering these questions prepares you for creating the milestones required for achieving your most cherished vision. As you begin to chart your best course of action, remember obstacles and unforeseen circumstances sometimes appear beyond our control. Come to terms with the fact that not everything will work perfectly the first time out. It’s possible a route may need to be discarded or at best case, tweaked. You will do well to build flexibility into your plan particularly since technology and society advance at a very quick pace. Be open to possibility and disregard negative people around you. It is the positive minded who stand the best chance of finding the right route.

The more specific you are about what you wish to achieve, the more likely you will create the right plan. Revisit priorities for life, business and relationships to be certain you remain on track for who you are. Your steadfastness and consistency in all you do will encourage help from others as well as attract far greater interest in the services you provide.

As others see you working diligently and progressing in your business, they will respond by spreading good word of mouth and potentially hiring you.
One huge key to success is sharing what you learn with those following in your footsteps. Create short postings to let others know your tips for success. By doing so, it will thrust you in the limelight as a leader. Without trying, you will have built a strong personal brand and a nice client community.
Incorporating these practices will put you on the wave of the Smooth Sale!


Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, (800) 704-1499; authored “INSPIRED Business A New View for Building Business and Communities”; “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, and “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews. Elinor was designated as a “Top 25 Sales Influencer for 2012.”

Picture of Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation. Kred ranks Stutz as a Top 1% influencer; CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”. She speaks and consults worldwide.


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