Women who successfully find love on a dating app avoid doing these 8 things

Swipe left, right, repeat.

It seems simple enough—until realizing that finding love on a dating app is far more than just a numbers game.

While some women seem to effortlessly meet their match, others get lost in a sea of profiles and endless messages.

What sets them apart? It’s not just luck—it’s understanding exactly what to avoid.

In this article, I’ll be sharing 8 crucial don’ts that can truly make a difference. Ladies, get ready to swipe right to success!

1) Oversharing

There’s a certain art to creating an attractive dating profile. It’s about maintaining a balance between being genuine and not revealing too much too soon.

Successful love seekers understand the concept of mystery.

Mystery isn’t hiding who you are. It’s revealing yourself slowly and in a controlled manner. This approach gives potential matches an on-going opportunity to get to know you better.

Consider this. An open book isn’t as intriguing as one that unfolds with every page you turn, right?

So, if you’re looking to find love on a dating app, avoid oversharing in your profile or initial conversations. Keep some of your interests, hobbies, and experiences for later conversations.

But it’s also crucial to be genuine and honest. Avoiding oversharing doesn’t mean creating a false persona.

Finding the right balance is key.

2) Being too picky

The words of Loretta Young ring true: “Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.” In my own journey of online dating, I learned a valuable lesson—being overly picky can limit your opportunities.

When I first started, I had a rigid checklist. He had to be above six feet, a dog lover, earning a certain amount, and the list went on.

But then I realized, I was searching for perfection in an imperfect world.

I decided to let go of my extensive checklist and focus more on shared values and emotional compatibility. And that’s when I met Sam. He was five feet nine, more of a cat person but he was kind, understanding and we shared a similar sense of humor.

The lesson here? Don’t let superficial aspects limit your chances of finding meaningful connections. Look for the core values that truly matter in a relationship rather than getting hung up on checkboxes.

Love comes in unexpected packages!

3) Getting discouraged by rejections

There’s a truth about online dating – it’s a sea of endless possibilities but also a place where rejection is common. You might get ghosted, someone might not reply to your messages, or you might not find a match for days. It can be disheartening.

But the key is to not let these experiences discourage you. Rejection is not a reflection of your worth. It’s merely an indication that you and the other person weren’t the right fit.

In this process, I learned that patience and resilience are key. I continued swiping, messaging, and engaging, even after multiple disappointments. And eventually, I found someone who was worth all the previous letdowns.

The reminder of Bernard Branson‘s wisdom—”Rejection is an opportunity for your selection”—can be a powerful perspective in the world of online dating. Don’t let rejection deter you. Understand that it’s part of the process and continue being your authentic self. Your perfect match could be just a swipe away!

4) Constantly being active

It might sound counter-intuitive, but being constantly active on dating apps isn’t always the best strategy. There’s a common misconception that the more you swipe, the higher your chances of finding a match. But this isn’t necessarily true.

Successful online daters know the value of taking breaks. Why? When you’re swiping and chatting non-stop, dating fatigue can set in, leading to rushed decisions or settling for less than you deserve.

Taking breaks gives you time to reflect on your experiences, reassess your approach, and return with a clearer mindset.

Logging off for a while can be beneficial. Finding love isn’t a race—it’s a journey, and sometimes the best move is to pause and regroup.

5) Ignoring red flags

When we’re eager to find love, it’s easy to miss or dismiss warning signs. We might excuse certain behaviors, overlook inconsistencies, or even justify disrespectful actions.

But paying attention to these red flags is significant in online dating.

Red flags indicate that something may be off, showing that the person might not be the right fit. Ignoring them often leads to disappointment and heartbreak later.

Always trust your intuition—if something doesn’t feel right, it likely isn’t.

6) Focusing solely on physical attraction

Physical attraction is certainly a part of the dating equation, but it shouldn’t be the only factor.

Those who succeed in online dating recognize that lasting connections rely on more than just appearances. They seek shared interests, compatible personalities, and similar life goals.

Focusing only on physical attraction creates superficial connections that quickly lose their spark. Looks may fade, but a strong emotional bond endures.

As you swipe through profiles, avoid letting appearances be your only guide. Look deeper to understand the person behind the pictures. You might discover meaningful connections when you move beyond the surface. As Kahlil Gibran said, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”

7) Forgetting the ultimate purpose

A key thing to keep in mind during your online dating journey is your true goal—finding love.

It’s easy to get caught up in the game-like nature of dating apps, chasing matches or feeling excited when someone swipes right.

However, those who thrive in online dating stay focused on their main objective. They aren’t there for a quick ego boost or casual conversation; they are looking for genuine, meaningful connections.

Stay true to your purpose. Keep your heart open, your intentions clear, and your standards high. Don’t lose sight of what you’re really seeking—a love that goes beyond just a swipe.

8) Getting stuck in a messaging loop

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen friends get caught in endless messaging loops on dating apps. They match with someone, start chatting, but never seem to move beyond the app.

The truth is, if you’re looking for a real connection, at some point, you need to take the conversation off the app.

Yes, it’s important to establish a connection before meeting in person. But endless messaging can lead to a false sense of intimacy that may not translate into real life.

Feel free to suggest a phone call or even a video chat after a few days of messaging. It’s a great way to see if the spark you feel through messages translates into real life. Plus, hearing someone’s voice or seeing their smile in real time adds a personal touch that text can’t capture.

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new,” wrote Ursula K. Le Guin. Dating apps are just the starting point—the real connection is built through deeper interactions that go beyond the screen.

Final thoughts

Finding love on a dating app isn’t just crafting the perfect profile or swiping endlessly in hopes of meeting the right person. It’s navigating the digital space with purpose, clarity, and emotional awareness.

Successful women know that love isn’t found in superficial details, but in the moments of genuine connection built on trust, vulnerability, and shared respect.

By steering clear of oversharing or fixating on appearance alone, they create space for deeper relationships to flourish.

Every swipe becomes an opportunity to discover someone who truly resonates with their core values and life vision.

As you move through the world of online dating, keep your focus on those lasting qualities and meaningful connections that reach beyond the surface.

True love is not something stumbled upon—it’s something carefully cultivated, moment by moment, with the right person.

Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.


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