The last three weeks I’ve reported on what my polling of people resulted in their dislikes about video conferencing, and emailing. Today’s post is about what is irritating regarding text messages.
When people:
- Text back-and-forth when a simple conversation in person or on the phone would be more efficient
- Utilize too many abbreviations or they use slang or nonwords
- Write back so quickly that I feel obligated to write back to them quickly; when they exaggerate the urgency
- Assume my phone plan accepts the messages
- Don’t respond
- Send unimportant messages
- Do noncritical texting during a meeting
- Drive and text
- Send information that I need to retain
- Overuse it and will communicate only this way
- Send long messages that should be put into e-mails
- Assume I am available to respond 24/7 (they are obsessed with connectivity)
- Use bad grammar
- Read and respond to texts while I am talking to them
- Leave the notification sound on in public places
- Send text messages that are so long that it takes two or three separate messages
These all make sense yet it so easy to fall into the habit of doing one or more so this is a reminder to you and me to refrain.