What’s Your Personal Brand’s Irresistibility Factor?

Let’s face it, all irresistible brands are hugely attractive and always get top marks across the board, right? More than ever, it makes sense – particularly for students right now – to get to work on enhancing their irresistibility factor in order to show up and stand out in this over-crowded and over-saturated environment. Of course, that’s exactly what creating a personal brand can do for you. It’s not only one powerful tool for getting ahead. It’s a total game changer.

In fact, you’re going to want your brand to be totally irresistible and indispensable at all times. OK. Here are five tips to rethink and reboot your personal branding efforts online and offline.

Now you’re a virtual agent

Technology has changed the 21C landscape. As a student, this is your time. Leverage the fact that the working week is no longer 9 to 5.  Start by adopting a virtual mindset, and then leverage all the tools you have at your disposal. If you find yourself saying, ‘I can’t find this anywhere,’ that’s an interesting clue that might just catapult you into your own business. Entrepreneurship is contagious. Are you a nimble and agile virtual agent?  Hang out with other entrepreneurial people. It’s a game changer. BE PROACTIVE. BE ENTREPRENEURIAL.

Inspire others

Author of Start With Why, Simon Sinek (www.startwithwhy.com) calls it an irony: When you tell people what you do and how you do it, it’s not always that inspiring or helpful. But when you talk about why you do what you do, a different dynamic starts to happen. You’ll notice people lean in, listen closer and an emotional connection start to kick in. People are craving to hear your why. What’s more, it takes courage to live your why– it’s your purpose, says Sinek. Start living it now. Make your why part of your story, dialog and communication in all things, online and offline. FIND YOUR WHY. THEN DO IT YOUR WAY.

Your body language tells a story

If you know it only takes seven seconds for people to make an impression about you, consider your handshake for a moment. Would you call it firm and confident or is it a somewhat reluctant handshake? How would you rate yourself on your eye contact when meeting people? One of the country’s top communication theorists and coaches, Dr. Nick Morgan (www.publicwords.com) talks a lot about body language. What’s more, he says that in every dialog, we’re actually having two conversations at the same time: One is verbal. The other is nonverbal. If the two conversations are aligned and congruent, you project enormous trust and charisma. Think about your conversations online and offline. Remember, clarity and congruence are desirable traits particularly when you’re on the spot being interviewed. Eye contact is key, too. This is about building trust with all your communities. BE CONGRUENT. BE REAL.

Fall in love with your brain

According to brain scientist Dr. Cheri Florance (www.ebrainlabs.com), she’d like to encourage more people to fall in love with their brains. She says that  ‘brain plasticity’ is a very good thing because it allows us to cope, communicate, learn (and love) at amazing levels. Dr. Florance suggests, for example, that even doing simple things can make a difference to your brain’s elasticity. Take a new route home or choose a different breakfast every day. These are good exercises for rebuilding and changing your brain’s architecture. Today, there are huge breakthroughs in the study of brain science and neuromarketing. Take a look at John Medina’s Brain Rules, (www.brainrules.net) if you want to get your head around how every brain is wired differently, and why we’re designed never to stop learning and exploring. CURIOSITY IS A GAME CHANGER.

You do have something to say

We’re living in unprecedented times where virtual conversations span the globe 24/7. This is not like chatting over the back fence anymore. If you have a blog and presence online, you are on the global map. Talk in your voice and make it credible, authentic and human, says author, speaker and social media consultant Debbie Weil (www.debbieweil.com). Weil was named by Fast Company as one of the most influential women in technology in 2010. She talks about the importance of blogging, and stresses your blog is your online digital footprint. It enables you to create the conversation you want. The key? Give your take on issues. Get personal. After all, it’s how people prefer to connect. Remember, we are all primarily wired as emotional decision makers. YOU ARE THE SOCIAL CEO OF YOUR OWN BRAND.

So how does your brand score on the irresistibility quotient?


Mary van de Wiel is best known for her global expertise when it comes to coaxing out the real power in brands to dramatically increase sales. Van is founder and Creative Director of ZingYourBrand.com. She is the author of soon-to-be-published Dead Brand Walking: A Brand Therapist’s Viewpoint. Follow her on Twitter

Picture of Mary van de Wiel

Mary van de Wiel


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