Use Personal Branding to Get Ahead at Work

As the market for jobs becomes increasingly competitive it’s important to build your personal brand to differentiate yourself. As the economy stabilizes and eventually recovers employers are going to be very selective in whom they hire. The best jobs are going to go to those with the right amount of experience and ability to communicate their unique value.

Creating your personal brand can help you communicate and promote your unique value to your current or future employers. If done successfully, this can help you stand out from the pack and increase the chances of you getting the promotion or job you want.

Put some lift in your career

Here are some ways you can use your personal brand to create some lift in your career.

1.) Write a blog: A blog is a great way to show your colleagues and superiors your ideas and communicate your unique value. You can use your blog to write about ways to solve challenges, create more revenue, reduce expenses, or do whatever specific tasks within your job role better.

2.) Virtual resume: All of your accomplishments should have a home on your blog or personal website. Make sure your resume is updated and easy to find. If you’ve given presentations that are taped, post the video to your blog as well. Another neat tip is to post a video resume on your site as well. Through using a virtual resume and video of yourself it will allow others to get a real feel for who you are.

3.) Integrate your social networks: Fill out your profile on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. Update your email signature with the links to your blog and social networking profiles. Now as you post to your blog share each post with your social networks. This will definitely get you noticed by colleagues at work and eventually your superiors.

If your not using social networks to connect with the people who have entered your life you could be missing out on some really great opportunities. There are so many people getting on Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. It’s not just for college kids or teenagers anymore — there is some real value to be had by using social networks. Start connecting now!

Through using these 3 tips you can begin to build some momentum in your career or job search. You can differentiate yourself from the pack and begin to receive some of the opportunities you’ve been looking for.

It all begins through creating your personal brand and then promoting it – go get started!

Picture of Chad Levitt

Chad Levitt

Chad Levitt is the author of the New Sales Economy blog, which focuses on how Sales 2.0 & Social Media can help you connect, create more opportunities and increase your business. Chad is also the featured Sales 2.0 blogger at Sales Gravy, the number one web portal for sales pros, the professional athletes of the business world. During the day, Chad is an inside sales associate with EMC Corp., the global leader in information infrastructure technology & solutions, in their award winning sales development program. Chad attended the University of Central Florida for his undergraduate degree and Nova Southeastern University for his MBA with a concentration in finance.


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