To Hell With Dell: Inside Apple’s Sexy, Booming Brand

A few months ago I noticed something change in my relationship. We’d been together for nearly three years and then slowly there were new feelings developing. I did my best to stay true and loyal but, I have to admit, the other one had such sex appeal. I got more and more excited every time we worked together.

Six months after these feelings began, and while working with both of them at the same time, I finally had to make a choice. Sure, the sex appeal was a factor but what I really loved was how easy the new relationship was compared to the old one. I smiled again and couldn’t wait to explore every thing we could share and do together.

To hell with Dell

I had made the decision there was no looking back. In fact, once I did it felt as though I was part of a new community of “cool kids”. My business was now a full Apple shop. As the CEO I’d said, “Go To Hell Dell” and changed us over to Appleland. Given this is quite an initial investment, it took some time to decide but it was a great decision. The question is, how did Apple get a loyal Dell consumer like me to flip the brand switch?

We’re all different

Apple starts most products with “i”; the iPad, iTouch, iPhone, iPod which gives the consumer the feeling that their product is customized. We’re all different and to produce a mass technology product with a brand message that says “It’s About You” is smart, innovative and – as Apple proves – replicable. Who knows what else “I” will get to be a part of next? In a world where the phrase “it’s all about me” has become more common than “thank you”, Apple’s personalized technology products to are smart.

Hello sexy

There are Mac people and PC people. It’s a fact. Mac people are sexy, cool, hip, trendy, creative and a host of other cool type adjectives. PC people are serious, conservative, boring, tired and bogged down with system errors. Apple’s made their brand, stores, products and even the accessories sexy. Colors of the products to backlit keyboards and bouncing dashboard icons, Apple knows – and executes – sexy.

In an article on Business Insider recently, Steve Jobs highlighted 11 brand ways he made Apple the technology company to beat. Three of those ways that can easily translate to personal branding are by thinking differently, innovating, and being controversial.

Picture of Adriana Llames

Adriana Llames

Adriana Llames is a veteran career coach and acclaimed author of Career Sudoku: 9 Ways to Win the Job Search Game. She is creator of “HR In-A-Box,” a Human Resources software product helping small businesses across America and a professional keynote speaker motivating and inspiring audiences with her focused programs on “9 Ways to Win the Job Search Game”, “Confessions of a Career Coach” and “Nice Girls End Up on Welfare."


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