6 things you’ll almost never hear a highly successful person say

Have you ever wondered what sets highly successful people apart?

Sure, their actions play a huge role, but their words matter just as much. What they choose not to say often reveals just as much about their mindset as what they do say.

The truth is, successful people understand that their words shape their attitude, their relationships, and even their opportunities.

There are certain phrases you’ll almost never hear from them—words that reflect doubt, negativity, or a lack of accountability.

These individuals have learned to leave behind language that limits their growth, replacing it with words that inspire confidence and action.

Let’s take a closer look at six things you’ll rarely, if ever, hear a highly successful person say—and why avoiding these phrases can make a difference in your own journey.

1) “That’s impossible”

Success is largely a matter of perspective.

For those who have achieved great things, the word “impossible” is almost non-existent in their vocabulary.

Highly successful people understand that every challenge presents an opportunity for creative problem-solving. They don’t shy away from difficulties or label them as impossible.

Instead, they embrace these situations as a chance to tap into their innovative potential and find new solutions.

When faced with the unknown or seemingly unachievable, their response is not “that’s impossible”, but rather “let’s find a way”. This mindset fuels their resilience and propels them towards their goals, no matter how lofty they may be.

As author and entrepreneur Grant Cardone puts it, “Challenges are the experiences that sharpen successful people’s abilities. To achieve your goals, you have to get to a place where every challenge becomes fuel for you.”

In essence, highly successful people never limit themselves with the concept of impossibility. They focus on possibilities and their ability to create change, which is a key factor in their success.

2) “I don’t have time”

Time is a precious resource, and how we choose to spend it significantly impacts our success.

Successful people understand this better than most. That’s why you’ll rarely hear them saying, “I don’t have time.”

Instead, they prioritize and make conscious decisions about their time allocation. They understand that it’s not about having time, but rather about making time for what truly matters.

In my own journey towards success, I’ve learned the importance of this principle. Instead of letting my schedule dictate my life, I take control of my time and use it in ways that align with my values and goals.

This perspective shift is best encapsulated by a quote from author and speaker Stephen R. Covey, who said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

Highly successful people live by this principle, focusing their time on what truly matters to them.

3) “I did it all by myself”

Success is rarely a solo endeavor. Those who have achieved remarkable things understand the value of collaboration, community, and mutual support.

As such, you’ll almost never hear them say, “I did it all by myself.”

Recognizing the contributions of others is not just a sign of humility; it’s also a testament to the power of authentic relationships.

Whether it’s the guidance of a mentor, the support of a loved one, or the hard work of a team, highly successful people know that their achievements are often the result of collective effort.

Personally, I’ve found that my greatest strides have come through collaboration with others. It’s in the sharing of ideas, the exchange of perspectives, and the mutual pursuit of goals that we truly unlock our potential.

To better understand this concept, I invite you to watch my video where I share seven crucial life lessons that I wish I had learned earlier in life.

In it, I emphasize the importance of deep, meaningful connections and debunk the myth of the self-made success.

4) “It’s not my responsibility”

Highly successful people understand the importance of taking responsibility for their lives.

They are aware that blaming external circumstances or other people for their problems serves no purpose. As such, they rarely utter the phrase, “It’s not my responsibility.”

Instead, they choose to focus on what they can control – their own attitudes, actions, and responses.

One thing is clear — they understand their role in shaping their own reality.

They understand that real empowerment comes from acknowledging our part in our successes and failures. It’s an acknowledgment that we are not victims of circumstance but active participants in our journey.

As career success coach Bud Bilanich explains, “You take personal responsibility for your success when you set high goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them, and when you choose to respond positively to the negative things that happen to you on your road to success.”

5) “Money is the measure of success”

In our profit-driven society, it’s easy to equate wealth with success.

However, highly successful people understand that prosperity extends beyond financial wealth. You’ll almost never hear them say, “Money is the measure of success.”

Instead, they believe in a more comprehensive definition of prosperity – one that aligns financial decisions with their deepest values and views money as a tool for positive change.

They recognize that true success includes a sense of purpose, creativity, and ethical participation in the economy.

This raw and honest perspective challenges societal norms that equate wealth with success. It’s not about accumulating riches but cultivating a mindset that drives purposeful action and contributes to a more equitable world.

To delve deeper into this concept, you might find my video on “The illusion of happiness” insightful. In it, I explain why chasing happiness (often associated with monetary success) can lead to misery, and how true contentment comes from within.

6) “I know everything”

Highly successful people are lifelong learners, constantly seeking knowledge and new experiences.

Because of this, they recognize that no matter how successful they become, there’s always more to learn. You’ll almost never hear them say, “I know everything.”

They acknowledge that the world is complex and ever-changing, and our understanding of it is continually evolving. This perspective encourages humility and a constant thirst for knowledge.

They understand that admitting they don’t have all the answers doesn’t diminish their success—quite the contrary.

It opens up opportunities for growth, innovation, and collaboration. It allows them to remain open to new ideas, challenges, and perspectives that can enrich their personal and professional lives.

In fact, acknowledging our limitations can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth – a belief that aligns with the importance of self-awareness and personal development.

Embracing the unknown fosters curiosity and a willingness to learn, traits that are essential for long-term success.

The power of language in shaping success

For highly successful individuals, their language reflects their mindset. They speak in terms of possibilities rather than limitations, growth rather than stagnation, and responsibility rather than blame.

By understanding and adopting this language of success, we can start to reshape our own narratives. We can replace phrases that limit us with ones that empower us, and in doing so, align ourselves more closely with the path of success.

We each have the power to redefine what success means to us and shape our reality through the language we choose to use.

As we navigate our own paths towards success, let’s remember that our words hold power – power that can propel us forward towards our goals or hold us back.

Picture of Justin Brown

Justin Brown


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