The Road to Me 2.0: Be the Commander of Your Career


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I’ve been patiently waiting for months to tell you my main message in Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success. I’ll be speaking about this message for the rest of my life and it flows throughout my entire book, as well as all my forthcoming presentations. The message is plain and simple:

In order to be successful in the new world of work, you have to be the commander of your career.

I want to take time today to discuss what a commander is, why it’s important to you and why social media is the key to unlocking the commander within you.

What is a career commander?

We are all familiar with an army commander, which is a leader who leads infantry into battle, with the objective of being victorious. In order to lead a group of people, this leader must be confident, passionate, intelligent, strategic, and gain the respect of his people. The commander is accountable for both others and him or herself.

Why do you need to be a career commander?

It’s simple: at the end of the day, success lies in your hands. You will need your network of supporters (your infantry) in order to help you win the battle. Despite what your parents, friends, teachers, guidance counselors and coworkers say, you are responsible for your future and your career direction. Your network’s job is to open up opportunities, to shield you from threats and to mentor you into a successful businessperson.

Why is social media the key to unlocking the commander within you?

Social media converts introverts to extroverts. It allows you to build the communication skills you need for now and the future, such as written, verbal and interpersonal. Using social media is empowering. Think about it, with the click of a mouse you can send a message to thousands of people and it can travel to even more. Social media builds internal confidence, leadership and makes you smarter. What I’m trying to say is that when you delve into social media, you have the ability to create a brand you’ll be proud of.

“Commander U” is a mindset

It’s not the tools, it’s how you use them. It’s not the title, but the experience. To be a commander, you need to want to become a commander first. Everything else is there for you to learn and use to your advantage. This goes back to discovering your brand and how you have to find out what you’re passionate about, then how to make money doing it. A commander is a feeling or sensation your body gets when it’s confident. Commanders aren’t worried about economic downturns or sudden technology shifts because they are prepared.

Final word

There is no escape from the world I’ve brought you into. If you fail to recognize that you’re a brand and implement marketing strategies to your advantage, you will lose. If you fail to use social media tools and claim your name on social networks, you will lose. By not taking time to become this “new-age” commander, you won’t live a fulfilling life. You will end up doing work that doesn’t make you happy, not earning your potential income or having a positive attitude when you’re with your friends or family. By not investing in your brand now, you are setting yourself up for a life of doubt and turmoil later.

As a reader of this blog, I promise you that you will undergo an incredible life changing transformation if you get this single idea into your head:

In order to be successful in the new world of work, you have to be the commander of your career.

Are you a commander?

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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