The 8 Enemies to Success

Negativity can not be ignored. Just because someone points out that there is something amiss, doesn’t make that person a negative person.  When someone says, “Our healthcare system is broken,” that is not being negative.  It’s an opinion where one is stating the facts as he or she sees it.  When a person says, “There is high unemployment and there are no emerging industries to employ the millions of people who are unemployed, underemployed, and unhappily employed,” that is not being negative.  It’s an opinion where one is simply stating the truth as he or she sees it.

Negativity is to be conquered

Negativity cannot be ignored.  But it must be conquered. There are many problems facing America and Americans today; possibly more than ever in recent history.  This observation is not negative; it is stating an opinion of truth.  And truth must be acknowledged; then negativity can be constructively conquered.  Yes, we are a resilient people, but resilience fueled by naivety will result in disaster.  Can’t we discuss negative situations and conquer those situations in a positive way?  The answer is… we can.  The question is… will we?

Principles for success

Everyone seems to have a list of success principles from Napoleon Hill and Stephen Covey to Oprah Winfrey and Mary Lou Retton.   But did you ever stop to think that we all learn from mistakes, errors in judgment, and failure as much or more than we do from success? Granted, I might not pay as much to listen to a non-motivational person or underachiever; but I would attend his workshop, take good notes, and go home and make sure I don’t do what that person did!

The Law of Ignoring

The LAW OF IGNORING kicks in when we ignore what we shouldn’t ignore; when we bury our heads in the sand and hope for the best.  But the LAW OF IGNORING states that whatever we ignore will get worse in time. If we ignore the weeds in our garden, they’ll take the garden.  If we ignore the disease, it will take our life.  If we ignore tyranny, freedom will cease to exist.  So we must be allowed to acknowledge the negative.  Of course we must do this in a constructive way.  Of course once acknowledged, we want to invest 95% of our time and resources on solution not problems.

The 8 enemies to success

So let me share with you 8 enemies to success. We must have the courage to acknowledge them. And then, we must kill these enemies to our happiness, to our potential, to our better future.  For when we do, we will open the doors to a better, more rewarding life.

  1. Indifference: We must kill this enemy because if you don’t care and I don’t care… who will?  Everything matters, so beware of the enemy who says, “It doesn’t matter”… because it does!
  2. Intolerance: This is an enemy that will destroy us if we don’t begin to value differences and respect opposing views.  United we stand and divided we fall – just like the Roman Empire.
  3. Indecision: Sitting on a fence and fearful to take a position is an enemy of immense proportions. If we don’t stand for something, we’ll fall (hard) for anything.  Destiny is determined in moments of decision – not indecision.
  4. Incompetence: This enemy is also known as the enemy of ignorance; and ignorance is NOT bliss.  We must slay this enemy and return to the days of mastery; of craftsmanship.  What you don’t know WILL kill you.
  5. Insensitivity: What we say and do, and how we say and do it, determine whether we come across as compassionate and empathetic or self-centered and self-serving. This enemy creates deep wounds that once made, may do permanent harm.
  6. Insecurity: This enemy breeds self-contempt.  When insecure, we become resentful and, at times, hateful of others.  But these emotions are mostly born from a dislike and disdain of ourselves.
  7. Inaction: Knowledge is power is a myth.  Power comes from taking action. Ideas are a dime a dozen and talk is cheap.  This may be the most powerful enemy of all because in the end, it’s disciplined action that creates life’s miracles.
  8. Inconsistency: Can you imagine an inconsistent airplane engine or breaks on your car that sometimes work and other times don’t?  This is the deceptive enemy because “sometimes” can be misconstrued for “always.”  Don’t be faked out by inconsistency disguised as progress.

There you have it, the 8 enemies that have more power to destroy than any human enemy. And most of these enemies lie deep within each of us.  The good news is that we have the power to destroy them and create a happier, healthier, and more productive life.  The question again is… will we?


Jay Block is an industry pioneer and the nation’s leading motivational career coach.  Jay is a best-selling author of 15 books, including his latest blockbuster: 101 Best Ways To Land a Job in Troubled Times (McGraw-Hill).  He has a 20-year record of success for creating and recreating the career management industry. His website is:

Picture of Jay Block

Jay Block


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