The 10 Commandments For Concrete Confidence (Part 2)

Last week, I discussed how your self-image forms the foundation of your personal brand, and we covered the first 5 of “The 10 Commandments For Concrete Confidence.”  Here are #6-10:

6.  Surround yourself with winners.  Attitudes are contagious.  If you consistently hang out with negative, defeated people, you will develop a more negative mindset.  If you consistently hang out with happy, confident people, you will develop a more positive mindset.

7. Take pride in your appearance.  Dress your best at all times, regardless of who you might see.  You should dress your best for yourself.  Stop making excuses, and get in the gym, too.  It’s hard to feel good about yourself if you don’t like your body!

8. Take pride in your environment.  If your hero showed up at your house tomorrow, would you be embarrassed to invite him inside?  If so, you need to make some changes to your physical environment immediately. Why aren’t you treating your environment with the same care that you would for a stranger?  Clean up your home, workspace, car, and any other environment you spend time in.  You deserve to be surrounded by cleanliness.

9. Use comparisons carefully.  Don’t use comparisons to other people to measure your self-worth (either to feel better about yourself or worse about yourself).  Feeling sorry for yourself will not help you get where you want to be, and feeling better than other people will lead to arrogance and complacency. Only use comparisons to people you admire as proof/inspiration for what you can achieve in the future.

10. Procrastinate on worrying.  Most worry about potential events or circumstances in the future that probably won’t happen anyway.  Stay in the moment and just focus on today.  In his best-selling book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie refers to this as “living in day-tight compartments.” Planning for the future is healthy; worrying about the future is not.


Pete Leibman is the Founder and Keynote Speaker for Dream Job Academy, and his career advice has been featured on Fox, CBS, and CNN. Check out his new book, “I Got My Dream Job and So Can You,” which features lessons from young professionals who recently landed their dream job in a variety of fields.

Picture of Pete Leibman

Pete Leibman


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