Watch Your Language!
Words are powerful, and whether you utter them aloud or to yourself, they create emotion. They determine how you and others feel. I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you?” Don’t believe this for a second. There are more people lying on a …
Personal Branding Pledge for 2011
This is my year.
This is the time when I re-launch my life.
I blast away to my dreams and my visions.
I leave behind ties that bind me for no reason.
This is the season of my greatest leap forward, into my zone.
I decide who I am and how I want to be …
ARC: Awareness and Respect (build) Character
Am I a grumpy old man at age 58? Am I feeling like Rodney Dangerfield who “never got any respect?” Am I old-fashioned and, as Jethro Tull might suggest, Living in the Past? My questions have to do with, what I perceive to be, a lack of respect in America today.
I am sitting in …
Did You Get What You Wanted?
Successful personal brands spend much time exploring their psyches and behaviors to arrive at a position that will be enduring, profitable, and satisfying. After all, your brand must be authentic, easy to communicate, and welcome in the tribes you select to lead or at least be among. A personal brand must embrace who you are …
2011: What’s In Store For You?
In a recent survey, over 60% of those questioned stated that they made New Year’s Resolutions and some 97% admitted they never keep them. Mark Twain said, “New Year’s is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody, save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, friendly calls, and humbug …
A “Worthy” Brand
Most likely, the reason you are not achieving all the success you want and deserve is because you don’t “feel worthy” of that success. Now before you dismiss this statement as new-age, psychological nonsense, please stick with me for a moment.
We’re not worthyPersonal branding is the process of creating your unique name and …
Where Have All the Elves Gone?
I had plenty of “they should get coal in their Christmas stockings,” thoughts when it comes to customer no-service at Macys, Bloomingdales, Mercedes Benz, and the City of Beverly Hills with its pothole on Sunset, as I was attempting to finish my holiday shopping on Sunday. I started out with a reasonable budget of money, …
Marathon Brand Who’s Run Marathons in All 50 States
Jim Miller is 58 years old and ran his first marathon in 2000 at the age of 48. He has run over 70 marathons since and is just one of some 560 people to have run a marathon in all 50 states. Now, he is seeking to be one of the very few people to …
The 8 Enemies to Success
Negativity can not be ignored. Just because someone points out that there is something amiss, doesn’t make that person a negative person. When someone says, “Our healthcare system is broken,” that is not being negative. It’s an opinion where one is stating the facts as he or she sees it. When a person says, “There …
Houston … We Have A Problem
“Houston … We have a problem.”
These famous or infamous words were said over three decades ago and close to a million miles away. On April 13th, 1970, James Lovell, commander of Apollo 13, uttered these words following an explosion in the ship’s oxygen tanks. His journey to the surface of the moon was over. …