Personal Brands: Clap, Laugh, Yell Bravo
Paid to clap? Paid to wait at a stage door and clamor for autographs? Paid to laugh, gasp and otherwise do the right thing in the audience? Yes. It’s a job. At the Moscow Bolshoi ballet, you may find yourself sitting among those who show up to admire, in exchange for free tickets and other …
Personal Branding Weekly – Gambling Your Brand
Taking more risks and letting your hair down when there’s an air of anonymity because you’re some place you’ve never been or will never be again can have more than interesting consequences with our ever growing social footprint. Our social memories are lasting.
This has been the topic of many tweets, updates and blog posts …
Personal Branding Weekly – 12 August 2013
Last week I shared how on Facebook every day I throw down a Bootstrapping Buzz challenge. So, who accepted the challenge? Which ones did you do? How did you do?
Please be sure to share in the comments below.
Here’s the challenges from last week:
Friday’s bootstrapping buzz challenge
Think of one mistake you’ve made …
Personal Branding Weekly – 29 July 2013
Managing your personal brand while you’re on vacation is not easy. You’ll need to make decisions on how you want to handle your social media accounts. Do you automate? Do you try to keep up via your mobile phone and chance distracting yourself from wonderful vacation moments? Do you delegate it out to someone? Or, …
7 Signs It’s Time to Reinvent Your Personal Brand
Last week, I read Dorie Clark’s Reinventing You with great interest; it’s a relevant book for anyone interested in personal branding success.
Reinventing You, subtitled Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future, Reinventing You offers a step-by-step guide for evaluating your current brand, your career goals, and the branding success strategies that will help you achieve …
Personal Branding Weekly – 22 July 2013
Welcome to a new week with the Personal Branding Blog!
Enjoy and learn from last week’s round-up of great posts and insights:
What Are You Saying to Yourself About Yourself? by Skip Weisman Three Tools to Leverage Your Client’s Brand by Crystal Washington Personal Brands: Are You An “Is, And, Also?” Ok! by Nance Rosen…Why Workplace Etiquette Matters
Our 24/7 instant-access virtual world has taken the “person” out of “personal,” especially in the workplace. Until we all turn into robots with hard drives, I suggest we take a breath and slow down long enough to remember that we are all living, breathing people with feelings who get passionate, tired, burned out, excited, worried, …
Believe in Yourself to Brand Yourself
If you want to move on to the next step in your career, you need to convince others that you can do it. In order to convince others, first you need to convince yourself and start believing in yourself.
A few weeks ago, one of my good friends opened up to me and she said …
Personal Branding Weekly – 8 July 2013
Happy Canada and Independence Day to our readers in Canada and the United States!
During the weekend, more of the people I’m connected with on social networks seem to take to share memes, funny quotes, quirky status updates and videos of that vary from interesting to strange.
Many brands observe the massive sharing of these …
Boost Your Personal Brand with Courtesy
I was watching the 2003 film, Tears of the Sun recently and falling for Bruce Willis as a US Navy Seal team commander who was, well, commanding but always courteous.
Backed by a team of equally manly guys with manners. Lieutenant A. K. Waters had to lead a beautiful doctor played by Monica Belluci as …