Tag: Personal Branding

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The Art of Plotting Your Brand Trajectory

Launching a rocket requires considerable effort. If you consider the tremendous gravitational pull of the earth, you wonder how it ever gets off the ground.

Your brand worldwide

Thinking about putting your personal brand on the global map? It can take a considerable effort but if you decide to chart the course, and plot an …

Brand Yourself AsConfidence & AppearanceJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Simplifying Personal Branding for Job Seekers

Terror, anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, and a sense of hopelessness permeates the entire process of securing employment.  Have you ever considered that job seekers need to master more skills than a CEO of a Fortune 500 company?  While CEO’s hire and surround themselves with qualified experts in diverse disciplines, job seekers must master most disciplines …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

10 Essential Career Success Strategies

Over the course of your lifetime you may spend 80,000 hours at work. Are you getting what you want from work? Are you excelling at your career? Here are 10 strategies to help you become more engaged and successful at work.

1. Ask yourself for directions

Career success, although different for everyone, occurs when your …

Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding and Intrapreneurship: A Match Made in Heaven?

Have you ever thought of being an intrapreneur? And no, I don’t mean entrepreneur – but they’re close.

While an entrepreneur ventures out on their own to pursue an idea, an intrapreneur does this within the organization where they already work. It could be creating a new product, coming up with an innovative idea, or …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

No Kidding: There’s Danger in Anger

If you have been following this Tuesday column over the last two weeks, you know we are considering the trinity of personal branding:




Get Attention: Raise your hand, say something insightful and move the gaze of the audience to you. I do this everyday on the LinkedIn discussion groups that I tend …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

A Cup of Coffee to Increasing Conversions

Powered by MECLabs, MarketingSherpa is a research firm that tracks what works – and what doesn’t work – in all aspects of marketing. After conducting extensive tests and experiments, they publish the results free of charge for the marketing community at large.

Basically, they are today’s online marketing bible.

Image versus copy

Recently, the highly …