Tag: Personal Branding

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Reading and Personal Branding Success

Although the connection between writing and personal branding success is  obvious, the connection between reading and personal branding success is often less clear.

Nevertheless, reading plays an important role in your ability to write.

The more you read, and the more critically you read, the better you’ll able to write the articles, blog posts, books, …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Streamline Processes to Experience Increased Profit

Are you monitoring wasted time and money?

Salespeople are advised that clients purchase when, in addition to the trust factor, they realize they are able to save time and money. An added element for building trust is to become a business consultant versus pushing to sell something.

Leading by asking questions is vital for you …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Personal or Professional? How to Balance Your Brand Online

When building your personal brand, you’re constantly told to keep things on the professional side. People will respect you as a professional if you act like it. But between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and whatever other sites we’re on, it’s hard to create a balance between the personal and professional things we post online.

The …

Brand MysteryNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Three Things No One Tells You about Social Media

Social media allows us to connect with professionals and amazing people all over the globe. Millions of people use networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect daily and build their personal and business brands. However, there are three things that few people mention when it comes to using social media for personal branding.

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Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Personal Branding Lessons from “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen

In returning from vacation this week it makes sense to share an experience offering lessons on personal branding that will keep people coming back.

Half of vacation was dedicated to a week traveling across Ireland attending three rock ‘n roll concerts by Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band.

These shows were the 76th, 77th …

Communication & NetworkingConfidence & AppearanceLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – 5 August 2013

Every morning I throw down a  Bootstrapping Buzz Challenge on my Facebook page to remind people of what they already know and deliver it as one solid step for them to take that day that will create personal brand buzz for them in the most effective way and spending the least (to no) amount of …