Resume Botox: 9 Ways Your Resume Can Avoid Ageism
So many 40+ job seekers complain about age bias. But many 40+ job seekers don’t realize that the way their resume brands them may actually cause or amplify ageism.
I talked about this in last week’s column “Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?“
This week, let’s discuss solutions to self-inflicted ageism, by examining ways …
Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?
You wouldn’t brand yourself as inflexible, non-current, stuck in your ways, unwilling to adapt new skills, tired, out of touch, retired-on-the-job, unmanageable, unwilling to take constructive feedback, or overpriced … would you?
Well, you certainly wouldn’t brand yourself this way on purpose.
Yet that’s exactly what many 40+ job seekers do, without realizing it.
Could …

3 Reasons Your Resume Brands You As A Commodity
You wouldn’t describe yourself as a commodity, would you? Make sure your resume reflects this.
You especially wouldn’t describe yourself as a commodity when looking for a job. Who would say in a job interview, “You should hire me because I’m exactly the same as everyone else?”
So you’re probably thinking, “I’d never write a …
Networking For Ever
Would you like to know one of the best yardsticks with which to measure the success of your personal brand? Here it is: the quantity and the quality of your contacts. Since the success of our personal brand and by extension of our career always relies on others – it will be others who will …
Willpower: The Fuel Behind Your Career And Your Brand
If you are a regular reader of this blog and other personal branding quality materials, you are probably convinced by now out that your brand is one of your greatest (if not ‘the’ greatest) intangible assets at your disposal. It is also absolutely key to the build-up and development of your career in these most …
Do Video Resumes Really Add to Your Brand?
“I’m thinking about hiring a guy to do a video resume for me” one of my senior executive clients said recently to me in a career coaching session. These days 91% of successful coaching is done via the telephone, and that was the case now, I was on the phone with my client; It was …
Are Recruiters Helping Your Brand Management?
Talk about love-hate relationships…recruiters rank right up there. You love them when they call to screen you for an opening of interest. Even if you’re currently employed and overwhelmingly busy, let’s admit it. It’s an ego stroke when they call. If you’re in transition, their call makes your whole day euphoric. You tell your friends …
Personal Branding with a Punch and Some Cookies
Typically, it’s not the best, but the one who can take the stress and makes it to the top of any company, industry or career path is the person who can take a punch, get past the burn and play injured that makes it to number one. It’s the person who cleans and dresses their …
Your Personal Brand is Nothing if Not Global
The U.S. used to stand for “no one else matters but US.” Then came Bollywood, and its 1.2 billion audience members, including pretty much the best engineers in the world.
And then came Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and its audience of 1.3 billion consumers of concrete and Hong Kong. Oh, and Kate Beckinsale was crowned …