Can Your Brand Take the Heat Like LeBron’s?
“What should I do? Should I admit that I’ve made mistakes? Should I remind you that I’ve done this before?” LeBron James says in this video.
I don’t think so. His leaving his hometown team in a flash of anger and attitude are still too fresh for us to need reminding. Underneath it all, I …
The Best-Kept Secret to a Killer Brand Story
Story is all around us. Since the cavemen shared stories around the campfire to reading the news on our cell screens, it’s been at the heart of every transaction. It defines who we are, and it’s the way we connect with each other. It can be absolutely profoundly powerful – and transporting – because it …
Hey, We’re Getting The “Brand” Back Together!
You have envisioned the personal brand you want for yourself. You formulated a plan to make it happen. You work hard to turn your vision and plan into a reality.
Life, however, is not perfect. Despite all your planning and hard work, you get off track. Somehow, some way your words or deeds are not …
Leadership is About Influence Not Control
“Leadership is about influence not control” – Anonymous
As I continue in my adventure, process, and journey with social networking, both for business and personal, I am intrigued by this designation of being a “social influencer”?
Who anointed people as such? What are the criteria for qualifying for this label they are using?
People of…Do You Dare Challenge Your Personal Brand Anxiety?
For those of you focusing 100% of your time on getting your personal brand 100% perfect, this is for you.
For that voice in the back of your head that gets in the way of releasing your creativity out in the world, this is for you.
Dares and challengesAnd if you’re struggling with any …
10 Tips for Finding Your Ideal Career
That ideal career might seem elusive, but with some effort you can build a personal brand that will lead to ongoing career satisfaction.
Take the time to assess what is really important to you. Inventory your skills, values, interests, personality preferences, and constraints. Identify the lifestyle you want and decide how work fits in with…5 Choices To Best Volunteer Your Way To A Strong Personal Brand
If you take the time to research and choose the right organization, the right volunteering can really boost your personal brand.
Choose a direction, or discover oneI started volunteering at my local synagogue at a very young age when personal branding not only wasn’t a priority, it wasn’t even in my vocabulary.
That’s okay!…
What’s Your Future Brand? (Ask Your Future Self.)
To get a glimpse into your Future Brand, here are three questions, from a Brand Therapist’s point of view, to get you started:
How many of you wish you had a magic wand right now? Hands up? How many of you wish you could predict your future? Find out exactly what’s ahead for you in…A Cup of Coffee to Good, Fast, Cheap
Following the “Good, Fast, Cheap” rule can rapidly solidify or dissolve your brand, depending on how you prioritize the three prongs.
The “Good, Fast, Cheap” rule has long been used in industries such as construction and systems development, and is relevant for businesspeople and consumers alike. For those of you unfamiliar, here’s a quick explanation:…
The Hunchback Persian Prince
Admit it … You want to be more than you are. Everyone does. We all believe that there is a greater day ahead for us.
Even the icons of business, entertainment and professional sports – with all the stature they have amassed – seek to advance their brand. Like you (albeit on a much higher …