How to Know When Your Personal Brand Isn’t Working
You’ve taken all the right steps. You came up with your personal brand, made business cards, customized your resume, wrote cover letters, accumulated recommendations, compiled a portfolio/blog/website, completed your social media profiles, and set up your professional, brand-compatible email account. You’ve networked, applied for jobs, and put yourself out there.
But after all that work, …
Does Your Resume Scare Recruiters?
A student asked me to review her resume. She had just failed my business development class because she turned in no work.
I always worry about the effect on someone’s career, student visa, chances of getting into another graduate program, and just their general state of mind when I have to turn in a failing …
The Parent Dilemma
Parents want what is safe and secure for their children. Growing up, my mom and dad told me to get good grades, go to a great university, and get a high-paying job after I graduate. They also encouraged me to get my MBA and work hard so that I can climb the corporate ladder.
But …
How to Take Your Resume From “Blah” to “Wow”
It seems so simple, doesn’t it? After all, who better knows where you’ve been and what you’ve done than you? Open up your Word file and dump all that information into a pleasing format, forward it to a prospective employer or two, then sit back and wait for the phone to ring.
Before you hit …
Personal Branding Weekly – Personal Word of Mouth Remains Powerful
Editor’s Note: Exploring age discrimination, taking it easy, to even the successful habits for personal branders to be effective and not look like an egoist were just some of our focus area this week.
Here’s what you might have missed:
Resume Botox: 9 Ways Your Resume can Avoid Ageism by Phil Rosenberg The YEC Retooling…3 Secrets To Looking More Likeable
It’s NOT “all about who you know.” This overused, inaccurate cliché cheapens the importance of presenting yourself the right way and building genuine relationships.
Here’s the truth: It’s all about who likes you and who respects you.
There is a HUGE difference between knowing someone (or having someone “know” you) and having someone like you …
Lance Armstrong’s Brand Strength Will Determine Scandal Outcome
No one ever really foresees a scandal coming but both how you establish your brand, and how established your brand is, aids greatly in how you weather one. Lance Armstrong has seen this true to form during his recent USADA inquiry.
Lance’s performance in his sport combined with his brand strength, certainly plays a huge …
Is Taking It Easy a Good Thing?
As Ferris Bueller said in the 1986 movie, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This was true then and is even more true now. Over the Labor Day weekend, I took it’s purpose to heart and did some thinking.
Our lives as …
5 ‘Musts’ To Network Effectively & Land The Job
It turns out, it is who you know, and who knows you that will lead you to success and a new job.
By far, the most successful way to land a job is through your inside connections, and the people to whom they could connect you, according to new research by Right Management, a career …
The Secret To Strengthening Your Personal Brand
The secret sauce to strengthening a well-developed personal brand is your ability to inspire your audience.
A comparison can be drawn between a successful personal brand and a thriving blog, as both require you to gain a solid following and loyal audience. To be a notable personal brand or blog, it is imperative to provide …