7 signs you have quite a free-spirited outlook to life (that many misunderstand)

Do you ever feel like people don’t quite “get” you?

Perhaps your spontaneous decisions, love for adventure, or unconventional approach to life has caused others to label you as unpredictable or even irresponsible.

Since as long as I can remember, I’ve found myself at odds with societal norms and questioning conventional wisdom.

To me, life is an opportunity for exploration, embracing change and living on my own terms—traits that often leave others scratching their heads.

Throughout my journey, I’ve uncovered seven signs that I have a free-spirited outlook on life. These signs have become cornerstones of my existence, guiding me towards a life of creativity, compassion, and conscious living.

Perhaps you’ll see yourself in them, too?

1) Conventional norms are not your compass

For most, societal norms and expectations set the path of life. But as a free-spirit, you navigate life using a different compass—your own values and passions.

This doesn’t imply rebelliousness or disregard for rules. It’s about questioning the status quo, seeking out your own truth, and daring to live it. You don’t let societal constructs confine your thoughts or limit your potential.

Conventional norms, societal expectations, they all tend to limit our true potential. As a free-spirit, I’ve learned that my journey is not dictated by these established norms but rather by my own values and instincts. This approach to life has opened up a world of limitless possibilities for me.

Challenging the normative structures is not about rebellion—it’s about authenticity.

Stand tall in your truth. Live authentically.

2) Fear is an invitation, not a roadblock

Most people view fear as a hindrance—an obstacle blocking the path to their dreams.

As a free-spirit, I see fear in a different light. It’s an invitation to step out of my comfort zone and grow.

Fear has often been the catalyst for my most significant personal transformations. By confronting my fears, I have discovered new passions, strengths, and depths within myself I never knew existed.

The key to this perspective is understanding that fear is natural. It’s part of being human. The trick is not to let it paralyze you but to use it as a motivation to explore uncharted territories of your selfhood.

As Eleanor Roosevelt beautifully said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

3) You prioritize personal growth and self-discovery

As a free-spirit, self-discovery and personal growth are not just buzzwords but a way of life.

I have always been keen on seeking out avenues that further this journey and one such profound experience has been the “Free Your Mind” masterclass with the shaman Rudá Iandê.

This enlightening journey, which I had the privilege to co-produce, is specifically designed to help individuals like us transcend societal conditioning and self-imposed limitations.

The masterclass guides you in developing a personal cosmovision, fostering a mindset shift from frustration and guilt to love and acceptance.

It’s an opportunity to align your thoughts and actions with your personal values, eventually leading to improved mental clarity and emotional resilience.

If you’re interested in breaking free from societal norms and embracing your true nature, I highly recommend this masterclass.

4) You are not afraid to confront your shadows

Being a free-spirit doesn’t mean you’re always in a state of blissful positivity. It means you’re not afraid to confront your shadows—the fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs that hold you back.

In my journey, I’ve had to face some uncomfortable truths about myself.

It’s a tough process, but it’s necessary for growth and self-discovery.

Confronting your shadows is about embracing all of yourself—the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s about acknowledging your flaws and working on them instead of hiding or running away.

So, are you ready to confront your own shadows? Are you prepared to dive deep and embrace all parts of yourself?

The path to authenticity involves facing the difficult questions and challenging our own self-perceptions. Are you prepared to meet yourself in this raw and honest way?

5) You find strength in vulnerability

In a world that often equates vulnerability with weakness, embracing vulnerability is indeed a strength. As a free-spirit, you see the power in being open, honest, and emotionally available.

I’ve discovered that my ability to be vulnerable has not only deepened my relationships but also fostered a sense of authenticity and self-acceptance. It’s allows you to let go of the fear of judgment from others, and give yourself permission to be true to your feelings.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and creativity. Embrace it as a fundamental part of your journey towards authenticity.

6) You believe in the power of authentic connections

One of the hallmarks of a free-spirit is the profound belief in the power of authentic connections. Free spirits don’t accumulate a vast network of acquaintances, instead they build meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and empathy.

I’ve found that embracing my free-spirited nature has led me to connect with individuals on a deeper level. This is because when you live authentically, you attract people who resonate with your values and energy.

Such relationships are not just about companionship—they offer the courage to pursue dreams, the resilience to overcome challenges, and the joy of shared experiences.

They remind us that we are not alone in our journey, and that our individual success is intertwined with the well-being of others.

In a world where many prioritize individual success, remember that human connections are what make life truly meaningful. Cherish your authentic relationships—they’re the bedrock of your free-spirited journey.

7) You see failure as a stepping stone, not a stumbling block

Many view failure as a dead-end—a sign to turn back and abandon their dreams. As a free-spirit, I see failures as stepping stones towards my goals.

This perspective hasn’t come easy. It requires a shift in mindset—from seeing failure as a reflection of personal inadequacy to viewing it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

The key is to embrace obstacles and setbacks as feedback rather than deterrents. Each challenge contains within it the seeds of creative possibility and innovative solutions—you just need to look closely.

So next time you stumble, pick yourself up and see it as an invitation to adapt and evolve.

Embracing the free-spirited journey

Having a free-spirited outlook on life is often misunderstood, but it’s a powerful way to live with authenticity and freedom.

While others might see your choices as unpredictable or unconventional, your willingness to embrace change, take risks, and prioritize experiences over conformity is what sets you apart.

By recognizing these seven signs of a free-spirited mindset, you can embrace your uniqueness and continue living life on your own terms—without feeling the need to fit into anyone else’s expectations.

But the journey doesn’t end here. For those ready to delve deeper into these principles and begin dismantling self-imposed limitations, I highly recommend the free “Free Your Mind” masterclass with Rudá Iandê.

In this enlightening masterclass, which I had the honor to co-produce, Rudá guides you through transformative exercises that foster mental clarity and emotional resilience.

By aligning your thoughts and actions with your personal values, you can create a fulfilling and authentic life—a life that truly embodies your free-spirited nature.

Picture of Justin Brown

Justin Brown


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