6 ways to tell if a person is attracted to you within five minutes of meeting them, according to psychology

Have you ever had that split second when you lock eyes with someone new, and you just feel a spark? 

Sometimes, I catch myself wondering if the energy is mutual or if it’s all in my head. 

Over time, I’ve found that there really are telltale signs that can indicate whether someone is genuinely drawn to you—often within the first few minutes of meeting. 

I used to think it was all guesswork, but the more I read about human behavior, the more I realized there’s real science behind those “I just know” instincts.

In this article, I want to share six ways you can tell if there’s a spark between you and the other person—even before your five-minute introductory chat is over.

1. They hold steady eye contact

One of the first indicators is eye contact that lingers just a second longer than usual. 

I’m not talking about an uncomfortable stare; it’s more like they’re genuinely engaged with what you’re saying—and genuinely looking at you. 

According to research, strong, consistent eye contact can be a powerful sign of interest because it reveals someone’s focus and level of attention. 

We typically glance away when we’re bored or disengaged, but if someone seems unable to break eye contact, there’s likely a reason.

I remember meeting a friend of a friend at a small get-together. We started chatting about our favorite hiking spots, and he looked me square in the eye the whole time.

It felt surprisingly intimate—and it wasn’t just me who noticed. 

The difference between polite eye contact and “I’m truly captivated” eye contact feels almost electric. 

It might make you blush or even stumble over your words a bit, but when it happens, it’s a wonderful sign that they’re sincerely drawn to your presence.

2. They mirror your body language

Body language is often referred to as the “secret language” of attraction. 

I’ve noticed it when I’m in conversation with someone who’s really hitting it off with me—they’ll cross their legs if I do, or lean in at the same moment I do. 

Mirroring or subtly copying someone else’s gestures is a classic psychological cue that goes beyond conscious thought. It indicates that the person is on your wavelength.

When I first learned about mirroring in a post on Forbes, it opened my eyes to how unconsciously we reflect one another’s mannerisms. 

If you tilt your head a bit and they do the same, or if you rest your arms on the table and they follow suit, these are hints they’re gravitating toward your energy. 

The moment I became aware of this, I started noticing it at coffee shops and social events—often, people who are clearly engrossed in each other’s company will shift, move, or laugh in unison.

3. They lean in or close the gap

We tend to keep a comfortable distance between ourselves and strangers, but if someone is attracted to you, that comfortable distance magically shrinks. 

I love noticing it when I’m at a busy seminar or workshop: we’re all standing around, making small talk, and then there’s one person who edges closer to me than anyone else. 

They’re not being intrusive—rather, they’re just “pulling up a chair,” so to speak, because they want to hear me better or be in my space.

Some psychologists refer to it as proxemics—the study of personal space and distance in communication.

When it comes to attraction, leaning in can happen at the table, in a hallway, or even just while you’re standing across from each other. 

It’s especially telling if they tilt their torso or feet in your direction, basically pointing at you. 

4. They engage in lively conversation

Nothing beats the feeling of having a conversation that flows effortlessly. 

If someone is truly drawn to you, they’ll ask open-ended questions and seem genuinely curious about your answers. 

You might notice that they laugh a bit more enthusiastically than usual, or they introduce related topics to keep you talking. 

As humans, we crave connection. When we feel that spark, we want the conversation to continue—a sign that we’re enjoying the other person’s presence. 

If you sense that they’re hanging on your every word, or they get excited to share their own experiences that align with yours, they’re likely attracted to you in some way. 

I’ve found that when someone is truly into you, they see conversation not as a chore but as a gateway to deeper connection.

5. They show genuine smiles and laughter

A genuine smile—one that reaches the eyes—is usually impossible to fake. 

Brené Brown often talks about authenticity and emotional openness, and I believe our smiles are one of the purest expressions of that. 

When someone is delighted to be around you, their facial expressions soften and their eyes light up. 

I’ve had times when my cheeks literally hurt after chatting with someone who made me feel really special, because we couldn’t stop smiling or giggling together.

It’s easy to sense the difference between forced laughter and the kind that just bubbles up naturally. 

You might say something only mildly funny, yet they break into genuine laughter. It’s like they find you inherently interesting or amusing. 

Next time you find yourself in a conversation, pay attention to how often the other person smiles—are their eyes crinkling at the corners? Do they seem to be smiling even when you aren’t saying much? 

If the answer is yes, you’re probably witnessing a big sign of early-stage attraction.

6. They display slight nervous excitement

If someone is super confident, they might not show many outward jitters. 

But in most cases, when we’re attracted to someone, our nerves can manifest in subtle ways—fidgeting with clothing, tapping a foot, or even playing with a phone case. 

These small gestures could reflect heightened adrenaline. Our heart rate might increase, making us more aware of what we’re saying or how we appear. 

Personally, I find it endearing when someone’s hands shake just a tiny bit as they lift their coffee cup, or when they lose track of their sentence because they’re a bit flustered. 

It tells me that they want to impress, which usually suggests there’s some attraction in the air. 

For me, it’s one of the sweetest signs that someone is genuinely interested—those cute jitters that show they care about how they come across.


Reading these cues isn’t about becoming a mind reader; it’s about tuning in to genuine human connection. 

From a warm, genuine smile to that involuntary lean-in, each sign reflects an unspoken spark that transcends regular small talk. 

I’ve made my share of social missteps by ignoring these subtle clues, only to find out later that the other person was hoping for a real conversation or a genuine bond. 

When I finally understood these signals, I started making more meaningful connections in just about every social setting.

If you’re looking to deepen your personal brand or simply become more attuned to the people around you, pay attention to how others hold eye contact, mirror your gestures, and even fidget just a little when they’re talking to you. 

You might be amazed at how much attraction you can detect—often within the very first five minutes.

Picture of Ryan Takeda

Ryan Takeda

Based in Sydney, Australia, Ryan Takeda believes that a strong personal brand starts with a strong sense of self. He doesn’t believe in surface-level branding—real impact comes from knowing who you are and owning it. His writing cuts through the noise, helping people sharpen their mindset, build better relationships, and present themselves with clarity, authenticity, and purpose.


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