Road to Me 2.0: The Book’s Introduction Revealed

This is the complete introduction for my new book, Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (Kaplan, April 7). Me 2.0 is already available for purchase and will hit book stores on March 31st, but my promotional plan is still targetting April 7th.  The book, as well as myself, was recently cited in a New York Times article called “Putting Yourself Out There on a Shelf to Buy,” and has also been mentioned in the Miami Herald, Dallas Morning News,, MediaBistro,, BusinessWeek, Entrepreneur, US News, The Wall Street Journal and  It has now been endorsed 35 times and has spiked as high as the #4 careers, #10 job hunting and #10 marketing book on Amazon!  I hope you enjoy the introduction to the book and feel free to leave your comments on this post.  It’s going to be a crazy and exciting few weeks for me and I appreciate your support 🙂 .

Me 2.0 Introduction

The world of work has suddenly changed. Thanks to the meteoric rise of the Internet, traditional methods of communication and career development are evaporating. As a result, businesses of all sizes, from small firms to corporate enterprises, cannot survive based on legacy systems alone and will not recover from these changes without harnessing the power of online technology.

In addition, the Internet itself is changing—evolving into a tool that allows any user to command his or her future with the click of a mouse. It’s no longer just a place to research and discover information, or to purchase products and email your family, friends or business colleagues. You can connect with people from all over the world, regardless of age, race, gender, religion and social class, to meet, discuss ideas, and do business.

Amidst all of these exciting changes, a new breed of worker is emerging—one who feels energized and empowered by the exciting new world that the Internet has created and is eager to make a difference. Those with confidence, drive, and the ability to use the full potential of modern technology—including creating a powerful personal brand to define themselves and achieve their goals—will be at the forefront of this bold new world.

This book is targeted at college students and young professionals who feel doubt, emotional stress, and fear of failure when approaching the current job market. I firmly believe that this book will help any individual who is determined, hard-working, and excited to realize his or her personal and professional goals.

The strategies and plan of attack that I have developed and detailed in this book will help you be among these successful individuals. I provide you with all the tools necessary to define and achieve your goals. Me 2.0 describes the history of personal branding, how the Internet has revolutionized career development, and how individuals can leverage social media for personal empowerment, self-management, and networking. It includes a proven 4-step process for discovering, creating, communicating, and maintaining your personal brand, and shows the results of using this plan. It also takes the element of time into account—the sooner you develop your brand, the more prepared you will be for your successful future. It is divided into three main sections:

  • the rise of personal branding
  • how to command your career in 4 steps
  • using your command for success.

It also covers my personal branding success story, a framework you can use to achieve similar success, and expert quotes and research to provide you with an even broader perspective on the topic. You’ll also get insight into how to use blogs, podcasting, and social networks to put yourself in a position of recruiting power—so that employers will come after you for your passion and expertise. Bottom line: this is your handbook for surviving and thriving in the digital age, your guidebook for making your personal and career dreams a reality!

I wrote this book for many reasons. It is mainly the result of my never-ending passion for personal branding, and my responsibility to teach others how to protect and promote their own brands. I also saw a real need for a book like this. One thing I’ve learned after giving lectures on personal branding to global corporations, organizations, and colleges is that most individuals don’t understand how to successfully manage their careers in this new Web 2.0 world, nor are they prepared to properly utilize emerging media to achieve their goals. With this book, it is my aim to help individuals unlock the secrets of personal branding, unleash their career potential, and make the world a better place—one brand at a time.

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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