Recipe For Success: Love What You Do!

I have been in the small business world for several decades as an educator, sales professional, entrepreneur. At many points, we face challenge, failure, triumph and success. One driver of perseverance, I have observed in those that endure and thrive, is a passion and deep belief in what they do, what their calling is and where they find meaning.

A simple and timeless recipe for success  is ” love what you do, do what you love with passion, professionalism and integrity”.

Look at and study success stories and people who are doing what they know they are called to do, and they somehow summon an ability to push through and on during the best and worst of times.

Something else drives them beside making money. Making money is a by product of serving and helping people solve their problems and fears, as you  position yourself and your company as a solution.

Here are 5 key ingredients in the recipe for success


If you don’t deeply, authentically believe in yourself and your ability to do something, you cannot make progress and move forward. Any reservation will eat away at your ability to persevere. Here is an 8 point test to tell you if you have the attributes of  successful entrepreneurs.


Call it your vision, business plan, goals, intentions, but having a blueprint for success is imperative and impacts the direction your path and journey take. Can you be the architect and the builder? Your success blueprint is the the plan you use to build out your personal vision. It’s how you move yourself and your business in the direction you want it to go. Short term goals work well in today’s changing world.


Why do people notice you? Why do they decide to connect with you? There are so ways we have now  to market and promote ourselves, which lead to how we stand out and get noticed. Blogging, social media, websites, podcasting, networking, communities, groups all work together and count. Not only is it important to be the best in your class, but how you get others to be your cheerleaders, advocates and testimonials is key to differentiation. One professional platform that’s a must for any professional is LinkedIn. Make sure your profile is up to date, with a professional picture and start using it more to meet people who work at companies and industries you want to make connections with.


Make sure you are using and representing the current best practices, most up to date information, platforms, certifications and media’s. Keep your visuals and messaging fresh, engaging and easy to find and use. Invest in your branding and make sure you “look like a million bucks”.


Likeability and personal magnetism are by far  the biggest reasons we are attracted to people and they to us. Be authentic, temper but use humor, be kind, help people, have a steadfast integrity and know that serving is the new selling.

The recipe for success  begins with belief and passion, continues with your success plan, personally branding yourself to stand tall, providing and being the best solution, and having personal charisma!

What are some of  the  ingredients in your recipe for success?


Deborah Shane is Top 100 Small Business Champion 2012, Career Author, branding/media strategist, writer and speaker. She hosts her Toolbox Blogand a popular weekly Business Radio Show that has over 108K downloads! She is a regular contributor to, Monster, Blogher,, Her book Career Transition-make the shift is available on and all major book sellers. Deborah delivers smart ideas and solutions, which make her a popular go-to resource for CNN, CBS, Fox and Forbes.

Picture of Deborah Shane

Deborah Shane


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